I'm stuck in window mode

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
Does anyone know how to get rid of window mode? I'm stuck in it. I've hit the right button, I've uninstalled and reinstalled, I've tried different resolutions... plz help.
ehm... if none of the above are the problem mebbeh you need to adjust screen width/hight of your monitor? lil buttons on your monitor itself...
specify your problem a lil better next time plz :)
GreenSmurf said:
i ment on mu. sry for being vague...

before you login there is a settings button... go there and choose full screen for video mode
okay... i've checked the resolution thing but umm... that's not it. not matter what resolution its at its always in window mode. and as for the fullscreen option i don't see it so if you could tell me where to find it that'd be great.