Implementing new items in the game...?

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 23, 2006
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I just wanna ask ya'll , how do I implement some new items into the game? I have a fairly long list here with me.. but first and foremost I would like to ask as to how I can implement special stones into the game.. and also , how do I implement that special stones storage box in the Armory NPC?
U need to Edit teh NPC files(server side) & Npc files(client side) to make the show up in the shops. and u also need to make the stones drop from the monsters say .. Memora so u need to edit the Memora files in ur server to make them drop, there r some pretty good tutorials here just search for them.

U need to Edit teh NPC files(server side) & Npc files(client side) to make the show up in the shops. and u also need to make the stones drop from the monsters say .. Memora so u need to edit the Memora files in ur server to make them drop, there r some pretty good tutorials here just search for them.


The question said "Implementing" ..I think he meant he wanted to make new items and then implement them into the game.

Well @shiningwizard, this is the procedure..

First you need to make the 3D Model for that particular item you wish to create. For this you could use tools like 3D Studio Max or Blender. Design your item. You need to understand one thing.
When designing an object, you need to create 3 parts.
1. A 2-D image of the item in your inventory slot
2. A 3-D image of the item when dropped
3. A 3-D image defining the drop..!!

This is the way to create new models. Just to make it easier for you, bcoz you want to implement new Items into can already take an existing Model, Decode it convert it to meshes and overlay or re-design the existent one's to fit in your requirements..!!

Once, implement it as an Item file into your client. For eg, let us consider that you let it be a part of IT4.ULL which defines the items in list 4..

Now you need to go to the server side and edit the *.itm file of the creature you wish to drop the items from. Taking the hex values of the created item and the drop definition, insert them to be a part of your *.item file on the server side.
Do not forget to increase the total drop value of the creature once you have done editing..!!

This is the way to edit and implement..!! Now you would ask me, how do I set options on the items? Well, that is a long procedure and requires knowledge of programming. It's too long for me to type down..!! :D
Oh..! You werent asking about that were you..? Sorry abt that..have a cold and not able to think much really at the moment..!! :D

Anyways..If you wanna start off, try making some basic designs and models first..!! It's always the first step and get a couple of languages in the bag - Perl, C and etc..!! VB (useful for external purposes)..! :D
Oh..! You werent asking about that were you..? Sorry abt that..have a cold and not able to think much really at the moment..!! :D

Anyways..If you wanna start off, try making some basic designs and models first..!! It's always the first step and get a couple of languages in the bag - Perl, C and etc..!! VB (useful for external purposes)..! :D

iNs@nE ur Spooking the kid ... :eek:
Wow man! Amazing information..Heard lots about you but finally witnessed it too! :D and Yeah, I guess I'll have to get "a few languages in the bag"!!
hey iNs@nE,
Sorry to disturb you again. But I tried decrypting a few of the map files. I used the script you gave me. I got a few meshes out of it but the edit values are totally above my head. Can you please advise me here?

The meshes are totally out? Now once you obtain the values, you need to decode them. It's generally a 9 Code encryption. Once it's base values are attained..
Go to 3d Max and redesign the meshes to your requirement and edit the base edit values with yours and then encrypt them. This way your first mesh structure will be ready.
OK. I will do that. I started editing the meshes. Can you please make a good model for me out of it. I will mail you the renders if you can
Well, Yes. I did have a look at your files..

The meshes were correctly extracted though you missed you a few here and there.
The code is out neatly. But it aint in the simple form. You need to convert the first.
And also there is an error in regrouping it. You need to decrypt it again. Check it again. Use the script I gave you. You made some mistake somewhere.

Keep me updated about your progress.
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