U need to Edit teh NPC files(server side) & Npc files(client side) to make the show up in the shops. and u also need to make the stones drop from the monsters say .. Memora so u need to edit the Memora files in ur server to make them drop, there r some pretty good tutorials here just search for them.
The question said "Implementing" ..I think he meant he wanted to make new items and then implement them into the game.
Well @shiningwizard, this is the procedure..
First you need to make the 3D Model for that particular item you wish to create. For this you could use tools like 3D Studio Max or Blender. Design your item. You need to understand one thing.
When designing an object, you need to create 3 parts.
1. A 2-D image of the item in your inventory slot
2. A 3-D image of the item when dropped
3. A 3-D image defining the drop..!!
This is the way to create new models. Just to make it easier for you, bcoz you want to implement new Items into A3..you can already take an existing Model, Decode it convert it to meshes and overlay or re-design the existent one's to fit in your requirements..!!
Once, implement it as an Item file into your client. For eg, let us consider that you let it be a part of IT4.ULL which defines the items in list 4..
Now you need to go to the server side and edit the *.itm file of the creature you wish to drop the items from. Taking the hex values of the created item and the drop definition, insert them to be a part of your *.item file on the server side.
Do not forget to increase the total drop value of the creature once you have done editing..!!
This is the way to edit and implement..!! Now you would ask me, how do I set options on the items? Well, that is a long procedure and requires knowledge of programming. It's too long for me to type down..!!