When the walls (1 2 3 etc) disapear, they all drop at once. they should'nt drop at all once they disapear.
The items that drop should be 100% full dura and never have added stats
(i think Euro Mir uses some sort of NPC script for EM drops).
Each EM set will drop 10 gold bars and no more drops will happen untill the next EM set spawns (once the 10 bars have dropped on euromir, the set is finished and no more drops happen).
The drops should be on the center of the platform EM is on, they currenty drop to the bottom right of it near the stairs.
The items that drop should be 100% full dura and never have added stats
(i think Euro Mir uses some sort of NPC script for EM drops).
Each EM set will drop 10 gold bars and no more drops will happen untill the next EM set spawns (once the 10 bars have dropped on euromir, the set is finished and no more drops happen).
The drops should be on the center of the platform EM is on, they currenty drop to the bottom right of it near the stairs.