In Game Issue

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hello all, I am running MaNGOs Server, and i seem to be having a bit of an issue with sheilds in the game, they aren't working like they are supposed to be. Is there anyway of fixing them, or not?
An Elaboration

Here is what I was told exactly...

My block that was something around 5% went to 0.0% outta nowhere and my critical chance went from 9.20% to 8.0%.

Just wondering if there's a way to fix it and willing to get some information about it, if possible. And yes i'm using shield while getting the 0.0%.

Hope someone can help me rectify this issue.
Thank you.
The pack I am using

Here is the pack I used to install, some changes have been made but the revisions have stayed the same.

SDB 0[1].6+v3125+Mangoscript118

Anything else?
another issue

I guess no one can help me with the first issue, but I also have an issue where my mounts have an incorrect price in the game same with the cost for the training..
Can anyone one help me with either of these issues?
Mount prices can be fixed via the items_template table of your SQL. Just search for the item in question, and change the buy price. As for the spells, I am not 100% sure, I've never really tried messing with spells.
Items and there numbers

Anyone know where I can get a comprehensive list of items names with there corrisponding number?
this will make finding and changing things easier.
Thanks The number on the end of the address is the item ID