In search of Server Files @_@

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 9, 2005
Reaction score
Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone has a -working- link to a 3.8e or 4.4 server file, somewhere...anywhere...please >.<;;. I been looking thought boards, googling and all that good stuff for a couple days now and all i can find is dead links. Heck even the files that are a straight download from ragezone are down @_@;;.

Anyways it would be cool if someone could help me out.
You are on the right track, you just need spend a little of time scrolling down this page to find a server file. I'm 100% the server files is here

Haw Haw...I knew some wise-ass would answer just like that....

Maybe you should actually read before trying to raise your post count with another retarded post :).

All there is on this board at this point is dead links...if you know where it would have taken you less time to type the link in than to type that ;).
I'm not try to being an Ass, but I had been posting this link several times. (if you read carefully)

I'm not going to post a link everytime for those Ass like you asking for a working link before search through the post.

Anyway, here you have a link to ALL Ragezone server files but not garantee it works XD

I agree their are a lot of dead links in the RM section of RZ, but being as it's not as active of a section of RaGEZONE as other MMO's, it's understandible. I know I've posted the files at least once or twice (mainly Zach's guide website files that have the server files with them) and those links should still be working. But with roughly 730 posts in the RedMoon section it can make it hard to find what your looking for. Hell, I remember when I first started researching on how to run a server, i went through every single post. There were only about 500 then but it was still quite a bit to sort through. The best way I found to single out what I had and hadn't read yet was to search through the archives, by clicking on the Archives link on the bottom of the page (Same as this link here)

Redmoon Online [Archive] - MMORPG Development Forums - RaGEZONE (sponsored by

That'll bring up a page with individual links for each post in this section, and once you've visited a link you will be able to tell since they are just text base links.

Anyways, the best way to find the files for any of the mmorpg's RZ has, is to just take a look in Mental's sig. There's the same link Chang gave you that has every server file RZ has to offer, listed as Server files in his sig.

As for the files I posted a while back, here's another link to it for good reference ;)

No guide's included

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I agree their are a lot of dead links in the RM section of RZ, but being as it's not as active of a section of RaGEZONE as other MMO's, it's understandible. I know I've posted the files at least once or twice (mainly Zach's guide website files that have the server files with them) and those links should still be working. But with roughly 730 posts in the RedMoon section it can make it hard to find what your looking for. Hell, I remember when I first started researching on how to run a server, i went through every single post. There were only about 500 then but it was still quite a bit to sort through. The best way I found to single out what I had and hadn't read yet was to search through the archives, by clicking on the Archives link on the bottom of the page (Same as this link here)

That'll bring up a page with individual links for each post in this section, and once you've visited a link you will be able to tell since they are just text base links.

Anyways, the best way to find the files for any of the mmorpg's RZ has, is to just take a look in Mental's sig. There's the same link Chang gave you that has every server file RZ has to offer, listed as Server files in his sig.

As for the files I posted a while back, here's another link to it for good reference ;)

No guide's included


Thank you very much :).