Increasing Moving Speed

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Loyal Member
Apr 12, 2004
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I noticed that you can increase a characters moving speed (or decrease it) with the limitspeed attribute on items.

For example, limitspeed="90" would be -10% moving speed. Limitspeed="120" would make you move 20% faster.

There are limitations with this though.. The speed when slashing with a sword is not changed, the speed when jumping (without a running start) is not changed, the speed when dashing or tumbling is not changed. Also, speed-changing attributes only affect the character if they are on an item that is currently being held, so armor, rings, and elements do not apply.

My question is, does anybody know of some other way to edit the speeds of character movements? I'd like to find a way to make a character dash and tumble faster (or slower).

Also, I'd like to know about things such as jumping height, step distance, tumble distance, etc.

I'd really appreciate any info.
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I think[almost know for sure] thats impossible to edit it at the zitem.xml.

The zitem.xml only changes the movement speeds when items are equipt, but its possible to edit them in the gunz runnable. I remember that there some hacks like jump height, hell level, and speed thingy [dont know the name]

Figured they'd be in the runnable.
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this three things can be added to the zitem.xml. I found it in the matchserver.exe wile working on some other things.

I think with this:

You will get 100% more speed, more tumbling and jumping, so you jump 2 time the normale.

I DIDN'T TEST IT YET, BUT I WILL DO TOMORROW. its 1.15am now gone sleep acouple of hours. LOL

If it works. Post it or PM me.

Credits to me if it works.
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