[Info] PHP/Mysql For loading time.

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Experienced Elementalist
Sep 11, 2006
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Yeah, My current issue is it takes like 2 minutes or so to load the page.
Because most of the information displayed on the page is from a mysql db/table.
I was wondering if there was a way to speed this up a little, Maybe some pointers?
Besides making less information be displayed, Thanks.
It takes that long I guess because of the Internet Upload Rate + the fact that its connecting to the SQL Datatbase, gathering information and pinging the server to see if its online. Try to reduce on flash? and pictures..
No flash, just pictures, and if you think my website contains like 300kb pictures, then no, maybe like 300 all together, but nothing too big for DSL/Cable connections, I wanna see if theres a way to speed up the mysql queries or something like that at least.
And why do you seem to jump into topics and give invalid help? O_o
I know a lot about servers, and I'm a coder too, So telling me about ping and pong is like telling me I like Pizza.

<-- not your normal UserCP
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