[Info] Some item codes...due to request

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Junior Spellweaver
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
4151;3067830305;135958 : necklace of redyane...
5153;1090790433;135958 : artec
4126;1363484705;529174 : keron
4127;1363484705;267030 : nan-na
5152;1363485729;135958 : asinis.

unique necklace + ring code!

have a good time, dastorm.
Re: Some item codes...due to request

4151;3067830305;135958 : necklace of redyane...
5153;1090790433;135958 : artec
4126;1363484705;529174 : keron
4127;1363484705;267030 : nan-na
5152;1363485729;135958 : asinis.

unique necklace + ring code!

have a good time, dastorm.

Thanks for the Necklace of redyan Code .. been searching for that :) come ONLINE in MSN somtime i have something to show u :)
Re: Some item codes...due to request

someone know y the hell my monster cards not working :bomb:
i used them in elkenever.. i right clicked on it... it dissapeared & nothing happened :(
does those cards works??

BTW some days ago i asked that is there any Gm command to remove the summoned monster?
the answer i got was no!!
but there is a command...
& thats @NPCSUMMON/:tongue: lolz
just use the command as @NPCSUMMON/MonsterCode 0
& the spwaned monsters will dissapear....
Re: Some item codes...due to request

All creatures that have the monster card to their names cannot be spawned in Elkenver.

If it does spawn, then a small message will show up in your chat box and the creature will be spawned somewhere near you.

As for the removing the spawned creatures - that will happen only on edited server files (which all of us are currently using) ... What you were informed earlier was for the official server files..

The files that are being ciruclated now are totally edited and moprhed. A few of the GM Commands that we use were user-set.
Re: Some item codes...due to request

Can Summon Tell Me The Codes For Level one all 6 ele super shue ? i tried Searching ..coudnt find it any where..
Re: Some item codes...due to request

I find to Chinese forum some codes, sorry but i not checked this codes, no more free times.


Re: Some item codes...due to request

Oki i check all boxes code this is my work:
17 一箱兰宝石 17 1646598 2367165285 -Szafir
17 一箱红宝石 17 1646597 2364674917 -Rubin
17 一箱黄宝石 17 1646596 2362708837 -Topaz
17 一箱小魔 17 1645795 2364937061 -Small Juego
17 一箱大魔 17 1645796 2365068133 -Large Juego
17 一箱高灵 17 1645571 2363102053 -Large Master Stone
17 一箱灾难之角 17 1647975 2365854565 -Horn of Hardship -broken code
17 一箱厄运之角 17 1647976 2365199205 -Awl of Craftsman
17 一箱厄运之木 17 1647981 2365330277 -Tree Branch of Craftsman
17 一箱生计1 17 1644544 2364412773 -Upgrade Jewel
17 一箱升级2 17 1644544 2366903141 -Upgrade Jewel -broken code
17 一箱升级3 17 1644544 2365592421 -Upgrade Jewel -broken code
17 一箱幸运 17 1647842 2365461349 -Eutuxia
17 一箱红完美 17 1647960 2364805989 -Crystal Sheteburr
17 一箱蓝完美 17 1647961 2363757413 -Crystal Kardite
17 一箱黄完美 17 1647962 2362839909 -Crystal Syldinon
17 一箱G果1 17 1647911 2364412775 -Bird Flower G
17 一箱G果2 17 1647911 2366903141 -Bird Flower G -broken code
17 一箱G果3 17 1647911 2365592421 -Bird Flower G -broken code
17 一箱蓝晶 17 1646817 2365854565 -Peridot -broken code
17 一箱白完美 17 1647963 2364281701 -Crystal Kardion
17 一箱制作秘籍 17 1647966 2367034213 -Secret of Manufacturing
17 一箱稳定 17 1647959 2364150629 -Stabilizer
17 一箱催化 17 1647958 2366247781 -Catalist
17 一箱生命树汁 17 1647967 2365723493 -Sap of Silbadu
17 一箱血树干支 17 1647968 2363233125 -Silbadu Branch
17 一箱紫卵石 17 1647977 2363888485 -Aiigis
17 一箱绿卵石 17 1647978 2364543845 -Drapurr
17 一箱紫莹石 17 1647979 2364019557 -Kartas
17 一箱光辉石4 17 1647980 2366116709 -Sargis
17 一箱黄莹石 17 1648073 2362577765 -Kryspis
17 一箱树跟 17 1648074 2365985637 -Root of Silbadu
17 一箱魔法珠 17 1648070 2362970981 -Orb of Magic
17 一箱毁灭图腾 17 1647991 2363626341 -Mark of Destruction
17 一箱和平图腾 17 1647992 2363495269 -Mark of Harmony
17 一箱斗志图腾 17 1647987 2363364197 -Mark of Spiryt
17 一箱勇猛图腾 17 1647988 2362184549 -Mark of Bravery
17 一箱专注图腾 17 1647989 2362053477 -Mark of Cool
17 一箱威严图腾 17 1647990 2361922405 -Mark of Dygnity
17 一箱自由图腾 17 1648075 2361791333 -Mark of Freedom
17 一箱信念图腾 17 1648076 2361660261 -Mark of Faith
17 一箱钢铁之刃 17 1647969 2361529189 -Steel Blade - broken code
17 一箱坚强之刃 17 1647970 2362315621 -Unbreakable Blade
17 一箱暴风手柄 17 1647971 2362446693 -Handle of Storm
17 一箱混沌手柄 17 1647972 2361398117 -Handle of Haos
17 一箱智慧文章 17 1647973 2361267045 -Symbol of Wisdom
17 一箱真理文章 17 1647974 2361135973 -Symbol of Truth
17 一箱处置的树枝 17 1648071 2360611685 -Cross Stick of Dysposition
17 一箱风的树枝 17 1648072 2360480613 -Cross Stick of Wind - broken code
17 一箱黄晶 17 1646816 2365199205 -Opal
17 一箱圣女之泪 17 1647964 2360349541 -Tear of Saint
17 一箱水晶之心 17 1647965 2360873829 -Jewel of Barrier
17 一箱红晶 17 1646815 2365330277 -Garnet
17 一箱铂 17 1647983 2361529189 -Satinum - broken code
17 一箱镉 17 1647982 2360480613 -Parnum - broken code
17 A1 15 32 0 -Surrovn2 (exp book)
17 A2 14 32 0 -Surrovn1 (exp book)
17 A3 18 32 0 -Special Stone Storage Box
17 A4 14 32 0 -Surrovn1 (exp book)
17 A5 19 32 0 -Big Special Stone Storage Box
17 A6 20 32 0 -Heart of Memora
17 A7 21 32 0 -Heart of Lessy
17 A8 32 32 0 -Heart of Resca
17 A0 16 32 0 -Surrovn3 (exp book)
17 一箱光辉石1 17 1647980 2364412773 -Sargis
17 一箱光辉石2 17 1647980 2366903141 -Sargis
17 一箱光辉石3 17 1647980 2365592421 -Sargis
17 一箱光辉石5 17 1647980 2367165285 -Sargis
17 一箱光辉石6 17 1647980 2367034213 -Sargis -broken code
17 一箱光辉石7 17 1647980 2362184549 -Sargis -broken code
17 一箱起源石 17 1648099 2362577765 -Stone of Hope
17 一箱破灭 17 1646049 2365330277 -Treasure of Destruction
17 一箱G果4 17 1647911 2362053477 -Bird Flower G
17 一箱G果5 17 1647911 2361660261 -Bird Flower G
17 一箱G果6 17 1647911 2366247781 -Bird Flower G
17 一箱G果7 17 1647911 2367034213 -Bird Flower G -broken code
17 一箱G果8 17 1647911 2362184549 -Bird Flower G -broken code
Re: Some item codes...due to request

I check next codes:
3597 6J弓甲 3662 4294955066 2385172 -Glaucos Armor lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
3607 6J弓裤 3672 4294956090 1971301 -Glaucos Pants lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
3617 6J弓头 3682 4294954042 3806309 -Glaucos Helm lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
3627 6J弓鞋 3692 4294958138 4592741 -Glaucos Boots lvl10,63,63,63,+4 drf
3637 6J弓手 3702 4294958054 1840229 -Glaucos Gloves lvl6,63,63,63
3597 6J战甲 3382 4138 2385172 -Ygg Armor lvl10
3607 6J战裤 3392 5162 1971301 -Ygg Pants lvl10
3617 6J战头 3403 3114 3806309 -Thallhis Helm lvl10
3627 6J战鞋 3412 7210 4592741 -Ygg Boots lvl10
3637 6J战手 3422 6186 1840229 -Ygg Gloves lvl10
1067 6J战枪 1066 2282 1840229 -Axe G10 lvl10
3597 6J骑甲 3382 4138 2385172 -Ygg Armor lvl10
3607 6J战裤 3392 5162 1971301 -Ygg Pants lvl10
3617 6J骑头 3404 3114 3806309 -Mordi Helm lvl10
3627 6J骑鞋 3412 7210 4592741 -Ygg Boots lvl10
3637 6J骑手 3422 6186 1840229 -Ygg Gloves lvl10
1067 6J骑枪 1066 1386 1840229 -Axe G10 lvl10
2105 6J攻63丈 2105 4294953274 1840229 -Bjorn Staff lvl10,63,63,63,+20 dam
3617 6J攻63头 3617 4294954042 3806309 -Groa Helm lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
3637 6J攻63手 3637 4294958054 1840229 -Groa Gloves lvl6,63,63,63
3597 6J攻63甲 3597 4294955066 2385172 -Groa Armor lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
3607 6J攻63裤 3607 4294956090 1971301 -Groa Pants lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
3627 6J攻63鞋 3627 4294958138 4592741 -Groa Boots lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
3617 6J骑63头 3532 4294954042 3806309 -Glath Helm lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
3637 6J骑63手 3552 4294958054 1840229 -Glath Gloves lvl6,63,63,63
1067 6J骑63剑 1053 4294952314 1840229 -Lonove Sword lvl10,63,63,63,+22 dam
3597 6J骑63甲 3512 4294955066 2385172 -Glath Armor lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
3627 6J骑63鞋 3542 4294958138 4592741 -Glath Boots lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
1067 6J骑63裤 3522 4294956090 1840229 -Glath Pants lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
1067 6J骑63盾 3562 4294951418 1840229 -Federin Shield lvl10,63,63,63,+4 def
1067 6J骑63=15剑 1053 4294952319 1840229 -Lonove Sword lvl15,63,63,63 -broken code
3597 6J攻法甲 3597 4138 2385172 -Groa Armor lvl10
3607 6J攻法裤 3607 5162 1971301 -Groa Pants lvl10
3617 6J攻法头 3617 3114 3806309 -Groa Helm lvl10
3627 6J攻法鞋 3627 7210 4592741 -Groa Boots lvl10
3637 6J攻法手 3637 6186 1840229 -Groa Gloves lvl10
2105 6J攻法丈 2105 2355 1840229 -Bjorn Staff lvl3,+13 dam
Re: Some item codes...due to request

Oki next checked kodes:
1142 8JT骑剑 1142 1386 132444 -Bragir Sword lvl10
3599 8J攻法甲 232975 1568002090 2385172 -Brayukel Armor lvl10,23,23,23,Bles,30%
3609 8J攻法裤 232985 2385957930 1971301 -Brayukel Pants lvl10,27,35,35,Bles,30%
3619 8J攻法头 232995 540134442 3806309 -Brayukel Helm lvl10,7,3,8,Bles,30%
3629 8J攻法鞋 233005 1208359978 4592741 -Brayukel Boots lvl10,24,18,Blas,30%
3639 8J攻法手 233015 2013665322 1840229 -Brayukel Gloves lvl10,120,30,Bles,30%
2107 8J攻法丈 231483 2338146602 1840229 -Freki Staff lvl10,53,53,34,Bles,30%
1144 8JT弓 1144 1569 1017188453 -Munin Bow lvl1
1145 8JT弩=1563 230521 4294953343 35917925 -Grahsat Crosbow lvl15,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+35
2107 8J攻63丈 231483 4294953274 1840229 -Freki Staff lvl10,63,63,63,,Bles,30%,+27
3619 8J攻63头 232995 4294954042 3806309 -Brayukel Helm lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+5
3639 8J攻63手 233015 4294958054 1840229 -Brayukel Gloves lvl6,315,63,63,Bles,30%
3599 8J攻63甲 232975 4294955066 2385172 -Brayukel Armor lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+5
3609 8J攻63裤 232985 4294956090 1971301 -Brayukel Pants lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+5
3629 8J攻63鞋 233005 4294958138 4592741 -Brayukel Boots lvl10,63,126,63,Bles,30%,+5
2164 8J法师1563敏仗 231540 4294953151 874 -Illmar Staff lvl15,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+62
1067 8J骑63=15剑 230462 4294952319 1840229 -Fafnir Sword lvl15,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+53
3617 8J骑63头 232910 4294954042 3806309 -Seide Helm lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+4
3637 8J骑63手 232930 4294958054 1840229 -Seide Gloves lvl6,315,63,63,Bles,30%
3597 8J骑63甲 232890 4294955066 2385172 -Seide Armor lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+5
1067 8J骑63盾 232940 4294951418 1840229 -Amordi Shield lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+5
1067 8J骑63裤 232900 4294956090 1840229 -Seide Pants lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+5
3627 8J骑63鞋 232920 4294958138 4592741 -Seide Boots lvl10,63,126,63,Bles,30%,+4
1067 8J骑63=15仗 230467 4294952383 1840229 -Tuath Mace lvl15,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+36
2107 8J弓63弓 231483 4294953274 1840229 -Freki Staff lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+27
3619 8J弓63头 233038 4294954042 3806309 -Glaucos Armor lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+4
3639 8J弓63手 233058 4294958054 1840229 -Glaucos Helm lvl6,63,63,63,Bles,30%
3599 8J弓63甲 232918 4294955066 2385172 -Glath Boots lvl10,63,126,63,Bles,30%,+4
3609 8J弓63裤 232928 4294956090 1971301 -Glath Gloves lvl10,315,63,63,Bles,30%,+4
3629 8J弓63鞋 233048 4294958138 4592741 -Glaucos Pants lvl10,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+4
1067 8J骑63=15T剑 230518 4294952319 1840229 -Bragis Sword lvl15,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+53
1067 8J骑63=15T仗 230519 4294952383 1840229 -Rhoniss Mace lvl15,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+36
230520 8J=15T5GONG 230520 4294952575 136228 -Munin Bow lvl15,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+51
230521 8J=15T5NU 230521 4294952575 136228 -Grahsat Crossbow lvl15,63,63,63,Bles,30%,+35
Re: Some item codes...due to request

Fine work. Will get in handy for those people who want the Level 10 codes.

As for the others, if you want to add an item with particular stats - add 1024 to the Item Option slot to obtain a single unit increase in the opts of that particular item.
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