
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score


C.C plox.


I got 2 Favs and it been uploaded for 1 min Qtf?
that, is totally, amazing... one of the bests backgrounds with a c4d ive seen so far.

Very very nice.
Teach me oh great one
Not bad, good concept, just needs more render blending it think.

Woot, that is really nice. The colour and the C4D match perfectly. I really like it, so well done. Keep it up ^^
asslicker in fact... u know, that kind of stuff is smthing u must learn doing tuts, its hard to be teached this kind of things... i mean it
Excuse me?
Rofl at your join date/post count.
Gtfo scrub.
Wow. Nice job FMK!
You know I love your work, but this is awesome.
9/10 cause its a little small.
It doesn't work out for me. I don't know how they like it but whatever. Try this, add a paper texture and add a sepia tone to the whole thing, so it would go with that outline looking thing behind that c4d. Than, add some effects and lighting manipulation. Thats imo.
Your work never amazes me anymore, FMK, because I always expect it to be great.
Anyways, the colour scheme you used is very nice.
Overall, I really like it.