Interested in learning to Program?

Jun 23, 2003
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I've just launched my new website, all to do with teaching people how to code in various languages and for them to create their own teams within the community. is the URL.

The site has no tutorials at the present moment of me typing this, but 3 people including myself are working on them.

From learning HTML for website development

To learning OpenGL and C++ for video game development.

We hope to see you as a member soon!
  • RaGEZONE Sponsor


The Notorious
sounds good :)

need to brush up on me html.

starting a new website soon. If any1 wants to help jus ask.

The theme will be Flash games and movies made by myself and about online gaming.
I'll join!!
I like programing(c++ mostly) but i didn't have too much time to learn it cuz i started learning flash.
"starting a new website soon. If any1 wants to help jus ask."
Yes i would like to help, duno much html but i am working in flash for about 1 year and a half.
got anythin to show?

Not realy. I was gona do a project with a friend but that didn't work out, and besides that i did lots of projects for school... nothing major, thats why i wana try sumtin serious.
i like the forum :D am a member already.

Personally i think you should add a adobe and macromedia section for photoshop + illustraitor and flash + dreamweaver.... Just thought that would be a good idea :)... And if you dont do it then i will on my site (when its made)
I think the macromedia/adobe thing is good. I think there should be a web design section and some subsections with pure html, adobe(graphics mostly), and macromedia(i use flash for animations) and any other progs that pl use for web design and development.
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