Irc Chat?


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Loyal Member
Sep 10, 2006
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Either I didn't look hard enough or its really well concealed, but I cant seem to find any type of Ragezone irc channel, closest I got was but that seems to be outdated and non-functionally. This place seems like it would be perfect for hours of non-nonsensical spamming in a chat room.
It still exist, I think.

Logged on it a couple of days ago. I think only people playing RaGECraft use it.

Try, Then #Join ragezone

I am pretty sure it still works.
I only visited the RaGECraft one. Its pretty fun with appearance from Kyle, Link and FF as well.
With a forum this active, I think if you made and posted instructions to get into a irc room you could have a active one within days, Java Irc clients never hurt either (Some people are lazy)

Ragecraft one is beyond dead to :$
Don't think that will be the best idea. Only few intelligent people will use it. Its better if we never make one.
With a forum this active, I think if you made and posted instructions to get into a irc room you could have a active one within days, Java Irc clients never hurt either (Some people are lazy)

Ragecraft one is beyond dead to :$

oh we had all that. Used to be a button up top that would take you in right away, even the greatest dumbass could get in (and so they did >.>)

Died out eventually.
I'm pretty active on the ragecraft one, whenever there people in it... I'm only in the wow channel tho since that's te only one that's officially spread out =/
I think the most active one we ever had was with the old Lineage 2 project. Lol, it was usually me, DTB, Robert, EvilEvil, and Triumph that were the active ones in there. Good times in that irc. :tongue:
Yeah I've been on every ragezone irc channel and they all seemed to die real fast.
I'd be in a ragezone channel, if it was on quakenet.