Ironforge (and other) guards attack alliance players

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
I've had a searc haround, but can't find an answer to this at the minute.
I'm using the MaNGOS_TBC_v2.0.8_COMPLETE.rar pack I found in a post on this site.
After much faffing and a bit of the old rage, I got past a ralm loop and weirdness with certain usernames not being able to log in (Anyone else had success with the username Enigma? Weird)

Anyway, so the problem that is giving me the most hastle now, is that when I go to Ironforge, or a couple of other alliance towns, I get immediately attacked by the guards.

Anyone got any ideas of how to stop this, or is it a database thing that has been fixed and I missed it?

I have a question of my own. How do i as an admin make the sentinels walk from one place to another like GUARD DUTY. you know the ones riding sabers in dolonaar or however you spell it
I have a question of my own. How do i as an admin make the sentinels walk from one place to another like GUARD DUTY. you know the ones riding sabers in dolonaar or however you spell it

I don't know. Try starting your own thread where people will most likely notice it?
I havent yet tried it yet, but if you check emupedia, the silvermoon project have added alot of content to the silver db with alot of tbc content, and i read over there that the problem with ironforge guard was fixed. Not sure if its the one about attacking players oof similar faction but i m guessing there is a good change.

anyway good luck!
Got the same prob^^

thats pritty boring if you cannot go to your own home-town!
when there r updates for these magos servers (tbc 2.08 i think), where can i get em?
Aye... noticed that they have changed color now after I switched to the newest DB... but the guards are still rude not helping out when you talk to them... and it rather seem like they are on their way to the F1 racing track for goal duty... but I figured that someone forgot to include their shields in the DB :(

Enigma_tw - Ironforge (and other) guards attack alliance players - RaGEZONE Forums

...anyone got a solution for the guards talk ?