• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Is it a Virus?

Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Once in a while a window pops up with a stupid Program called DriveCleaner, it very anoying.

And, in my status bar theres and icon, wich says: Your Computer Is Infected !
Something pops up like this:

EliteGM - Is it a Virus? - RaGEZONE Forums

Also, sometimes random sites like PartyPoker.com or Broadcaster.com pop up..

Please help me
no its not a virus its Adware
to stop it go to RUN -----> type
look in the start up tab and unclikc suspicious entries and do the same in startup and restart
yea spybot is good but i like that mcaffe scanner thats free it was called stinger
but adware is horrible
you get it from
thoose non msstyles or stlye xp or window blinds skins and
crappy "free" programs
It is my job to check these kind of things and I'm glad I did cause it is a virus, to be more specific it is a Trojan Horse.

You have been contacted with a trojan named Spyaxe (sounds cheesy in my opinion). You can check the information at symantec.

Symantec Security Response - Trojan.Spaxe

There are screenshots at the near bottom of the page if you dont believe me, they look exactly like yours.
It is my job to check these kind of things and I'm glad I did cause it is a virus, to be more specific it is a Trojan Horse.

You have been contacted with a trojan named Spyaxe (sounds cheesy in my opinion). You can check the information at symantec.

Symantec Security Response - Trojan.Spaxe

There are screenshots at the near bottom of the page if you dont believe me, they look exactly like yours.

actually its adware if you read his first post you would understand he said
and i qoute!

Also, sometimes random sites like PartyPoker.com or Broadcaster.com pop up..
that tells me its adware if he hadnt of said that id say it was a trojan
read next time
I had something quite similar to that before. If its spyware you can handle it like I did without any use of software.

Ctrl+alt+del and check the processes that are running (I can't remember the process name it used). Obviously if you attempt to close it, it will bring up another instance of itself as two of the executable are always running. Go to the folder and rename it. Close it off now in Task Manager (it will actually close off now cause it doesn't know where the file is to relaunch it), and finally send the executable to the trash bin ;O
its netVermins its a fake Anti-Spyware. i had it it comes from when you trying to watch stuff and it asks you to install Something like codec or run active X. cause if you search my name on googles "Hitamaru" then go to page 12 click on the only link on page install that thing you get the virus. its dosent corrupt your Computer jus annoys oyu into buying their "Anti-Spyware software" If you want i'll upload the thing to remove it cant be remove by Any known Anti spyware or Virus.Also Search google "How to Remove Netvermins" :) its on wikipedia xD its a fake messege that says virus activity then it says backdoor hacking later it says you got a worm.Then it tells you Like stuff if you click products that will "Help".YOu jus buying it and your Credit card number is taken.
actually its adware if you read his first post you would understand he said
and i qoute!

Think outside the box my friend. He actually most likely had/has 2 problems.

1. Ad-ware causing the random sites such as partypoker to pop-up
2. The spyaxe trojan which created a icon in his task-tray (near clock)
Whilst this might sounds like ad-ware, since the intentions are different it is classed as different as well.
Think outside the box my friend. He actually most likely had/has 2 problems.

1. Ad-ware causing the random sites such as partypoker to pop-up
2. The spyaxe trojan which created a icon in his task-tray (near clock)
Whilst this might sounds like ad-ware, since the intentions are different it is classed as different as well.
Dude its Netvermins,You can Tell cause it says your "Computer has spyware activity"Your COmputer will never tell you if you have activity...Plain old netvermins i'lll get the wikipedia link to Classifiythis if you dont think its netvermins i'll give you link so you can download the Rogue spyware "Rogue cause it dosent work by recieving infomation jus stays as a stand alone". You get it from Going to P-rn sites >.>.I wasnt looking for p#rn.Someguy was Posting this in india gunz forums.I thought it was jus a hyperlinked Gunz movie xD. AntiVermins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :P this is his problem but this is jus telling how you remove and stuff :I ima make a topic
Dude its Netvermins,You can Tell cause it says your "Computer has spyware activity"

Spyaxe Trojan does exactly the same thing as the original poster has posted, and according to your testimony so does Netvermins. However when I look up this netvermins the information is less then convincing, there are barely any records.

Your COmputer will never tell you if you have activity...

That is correct. Its the software that does but at this point windows does not have such capabilities and very likely never will have. Not to mention the fact that if it would it shouldn't link to other websites other then Microsoft.

Plain old netvermins i'lll get the wikipedia link to Classifiythis if you dont think its netvermins

Sorry but I don't trust such things as wikipedia, I rather have reliable sources for my information.