• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Is it possible to run just 2.0.10 without tbc on mangos ?

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
alrit i finally got mangos up and running but when i try to login the game it says i need to download tbc (ofc i downloaded the tbc version of mangos) .but the tbc installer is like a 2+gb installation and i currently my net is having frequent disconnection issues and i cannot get it :( . my question is

Is it possible to run wow 2.0.10 without tbc on mangos ? if so where can i find the maps/dbc etc. iv searched but nothing :(

Thanks in advance
Im not soure about this but... try it

#1 go to mangos folder
#2 open mangos.conf file

# BC support.
# Default: 0 (No support)
#          1 (BC needed to logon)
BCSupport = 1

#3 chance it looks like this.

# BC support.
# Default: 0 (No support)
#          1 (BC needed to logon)
BCSupport = 0

Now try..

Sory for bad english :D
There is an Entry in the mangos.conf/mangosd That will enable or disable TBC. Ive seen it.

# BC support.
# Default: 0 (No support)
#          1 (BC needed to logon)
BCSupport = 1

Look closer.
There is an Entry in the mangos.conf/mangosd That will enable or disable TBC. Ive seen it.

# BC support.
# Default: 0 (No support)
#          1 (BC needed to logon)
BCSupport = 1

Look closer.

alright im using wordpad to view the mangosd.conf file but am still not able to find it ...attached is my mangosd.conf


does that require tbc ^^ ?


no use trying i have the TBC private server on my PC and the latest wow client and it does not work. I had to reinstall wow after changing the official directory to something else, so I could still play wow on blizz servers and upgraded my new install to 1.12.1 so I could play for free and check ahead for my quest and see areas I would be going into. As well as a place to play with me and my friends.

But Mangos will not work without TBC installed.
Are you people running the stand-alone server or the full install?
LOL! Nice, I just opened that .CONF file it looks like it's for the stand-alone precompiled version, you're going to have to go to wowps and ask DJRavine about this one, I only support the full blown install.
LOL! Nice, I just opened that .CONF file it looks like it's for the stand-alone precompiled version, you're going to have to go to wowps and ask DJRavine about this one, I only support the full blown install.

ok so i have stand alone precompiled
is this the one i should get and then itll work without BC ?

go there and then click this link MaNGOS v2.0.10 [COMPLETE].rar - 291.88MB ?
nope i dont have that entry in my conf file.. ( iv attached it above) i even tried using the " mangosd.conf.bak " file which is present in my mangos folder & has that entry ..i removed the .bak extension made username/password changes here and there but it didnt work :(
here is Conf. files for Mangos 2.0.10 NO TBC.

View attachment Files.conf.rar

[No Virus,Spywares,Trojans]

Just chance these what is RED

On Mangosd.conf:

# Database connection settings for the world server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
LoginDatabaseInfo = "[color=red];3306;USERNAME;PASSWORD;realmd_bc[/color]"
WorldDatabaseInfo = "[color=red];3306;USERNAME;PASSWORD;mangos_bc[/color]"

On Realmd.conf:

# Database connection settings for the realm server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;USERNAME;PASSWORD;realmd_bc"
yep these are pretty much what my current mangosd and realmd files look like ...anyways iv tried it & still require BC when i login with any account :(
ok PM'd
the reason i think its not disabling BC via the mangosd.conf file is maybe because its the way the db is built or something more deeper inside :)