is it possible??

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
My house
hey lets say i make a freewebs page for my server will i be able to use wamp for registration or u gatta own real web?
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Wamp will put your reg page online. It's a webserver. Host the reg page on wamp, then if you wanna make your own freewebs site (though I suggest googlepages), just link to the reg page there. Freewebs and wamp are unrelated.

You could also put your reg page in an iframe on your freewebs page.

Anyone can host a website off their own computer for free. The only reason why webhosting costs money is because someone else is hosting your site on their machine, and your site is using their bandwidth.
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i done that.After i put it online i dont no what to do

See if other people can connect to the page. The web address will be - replace with your IP, replace 80 with your wamp port, and replace page.html with the name of your reg page.

is a page that will test the connection to your Gunz website.
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and how i no my wamp port?

arnelis - is it possible?? - RaGEZONE Forums
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ok i use the tester and i get these
No response from MSSQL (1433 TCP) myip!
No response from HTTP (Apache - 80 TCP) myip!
No response from GunZ Server Port 1 (6000 TCP) myip!
No response from GunZ Server Port 2 (8900 TCP) myip!
No response from GunZ Server Port 3 (6000 TCP) myip!
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The IP we detected that is external is:

No response from MSSQL (1433 TCP)!
No response from HTTP (Apache - 80 TCP)!
No response from GunZ Server Port 1 (6000 TCP)!
No response from GunZ Server Port 2 (8900 TCP)!
No response from GunZ Server Port 3 (6000 TCP)!

Same Here And Is It Posssible To Use
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cause i did unblock it on my firewall.And when u say try it on someone else could i try on my other comp.And should i type in.
(my ip):80/
should i do it like that?
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cause i did unblock it on my firewall.And when u say try it on someone else could i try on my other comp.And should i type in.
(my ip):80/
should i do it like that?

Why did you add after it?

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