Is there a cure?...

Skilled Illusionist
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
In your really
Huh...I'll start with a little memoir type...thing.

I remember when I used to love getting a new game for the computer. I used to play Wolfenstein like a mad hardcore gamer...while I hated hardcore gamers.

Then EQ...which I played like a hardcore gamer. Then quit that because it sucks.

Then some MUD...which I quit because I couldn't stand making new characters. Stupid Alas, you cannot go that way, crap....

Then there was SWG which just sucks.

Then there was WoW which I played TO much and quit because of boredom and the fact that the only way for you to be satisfied with your character in ANY MMORPG is to play a game that NO ONE else plays. What do I mean? Well I mean when people complain about a class and that class gets nerfed to oblivion(Hunters).

Then there was Battlefield. I liked Battlefield. I played it, then quickly got bored with it. I tried "roleplaying" it and getting into the game, laughing when I killed an enemy, getting angry when some a-hole steals my car. Then I weened.

And then this wonderful game named Guild Wars, at least a game giving the SEMBLANCE of wonder, came into my grasp of--for lack of a better word to complete the phrase--"I know I'll quit this game too."

Well with GW the quitting took a while, but once Nightfall came out and I finished it...the game got boring.

Now I GM on a private Rose server and I try to do my best. The players just spam the same things and whine about bugs when...we know they're bugged and they KNOW we know. I like that, but I wouldn't mind finding another game.

Now I just surf the net finding those text games and set out my army against the strongest guy...and usually suffer and fail miserably..but hey.

Anyone else like this? Just plain bored with every game put in front of you? I actually think I may be getting tired of my computer. Like if I crushed my computer with a sledgehammer right now I wouldn't change my daily routine much. It's great..but I'm kind of stuck. I'm not going to crush a $3,000 computer and this flatscreen monitor.

So my question is this. Is there a cure? A treatment for my ailment? Or should I just accept that I have finally got out of the computer fad? Anything that is technological seems to bore me lately. The TV, the Computer...

I got bored as I was typing this....maybe I have early onset ADD. I should find some quack and have him say I have it. Ritalin might be...a buzz. :)
I am getting the same boredom thing as you for sure, so what i do instead is stop 30-45 min a day with a game that i can still have fun with (surprisingly CS :) ).
The rest of the day - exercise, take my dog out, relax with friends, run sports, etc. your day will feel worth it, and you will have had fun.
I also took up diving, biking, soon rock climbing...

I think we grow out of gaming at a certain period, and i think thats what happened to you, no matter how good a game is it wont bring you back to hardcore gaming trust me.
i feel the exact same way! rather than playing games now, i just listen to music on my comp most of the time now... everything on the computer just feels too.. boring.. so instead i started running a lot =D maybe you should just do something else besides playing on the computer, even if you already do.. you should do it more often!
aye ive fealt like that for a long time with fps and mmorpg games

nothing quite compares to the fun i had on TFC and nothing compares to MIR2/3, everything else has just been fillling the void

however as my life has become buesier ive been enjoying my free time much much more, ive also been enjoying my work more but its always good to have a break now and again
me too in a way. Getting my 18th b-day soon and the PC's and the games dont excite me that much. I play some FPS just to shoot ppl and feel calm after.

Now i am more into just music and movies on my PC. I rather get out with my friends and grab a drink then to play games. Gaming became like reading to me a little. I dont read A LOT and gaming just is becoming the same.

If u are a hardcore gamer or was one, after a while of not touching games u will feel that urge to play anything but you just need to play it. I had that once. Played and finished a game and then all became as it was: music, friends, parties,ect... and gaming comes somewhere near the end.
When you start working, and you don't have much time to play games, its like an honor to play games, and you will never get bored of it.
When you start working, and you don't have much time to play games, its like an honor to play games, and you will never get bored of it.

Hes right, thats what i was talking about in my other post, when you start working you will realy enjoy those few hours you have to play and they will seem like the best of your time of your life belive me :thumbsup:
Same, get a new game then about a week later you're bored of it and what something else, it sucks =/.
The key to all things is moderation. When going out and doing things stops being exciting, and becomes dull and pointless, start playing online games, and you will be stoked on how much fun they are. After gaming hardcore for a certain amount of time, it will begin to get boring, and dull, at this time, switch back to going out and doing things - you will have forgotted the boredom you used to feel from doing such activities, and be filled with excitement once again.

See, I think we don't respond positively to something because it's better than something else, but merely because it's a change. You have to keep switching, stop doing things when they lose their spunk.

<insert yin-yang here>
I know what you are saying. I get like that all the time. I get into the whole gamming thing on the PC and stay like that for ages and then I just get bored of it. Then I move on to something else and get bored of it. Then something else and get bored of it and then back to the PC. It's like a cycle.

I was first addicted to console games. Then when I got my first PC I was all over PC games (CS and SC) and then the PS2/GCN/XBOX came out and I got back into them. Then I got some anime and just started to watch that non stop. Then I got myself a newer computer and got back into the whole PC gamming thing (AAO, CS, ET). I got bored of that and started to watch anime again. Got bored of that and went back to consoles. Got bored of that and found Mu. Got bored of that and went back to anime again. Got bored of that and played RYL (and like 30 other MMORPGs but didn't play much of them). Got bored of that and got back into anime. Got a new computer and was back into playing PC games (CSS, CS, and some others). Then it was back to consoles. Got a new computer and was back to random PC games. Then I moved to the UK and was into consoles. Got a good PC there and was back to PC games (SWEAW) and got into overclocking and benching. Then moved back here and got into consoles again. Got a new PC again and got back into PC games (SWEAW, Rise of Nations, Company of Heroes, BF2142). Got bored and went back to consoles. Then started to play PC games again (SupCom) and then got back into consoles. Now it's movies and some console games for me.

So I know what you are talking about. So just try something else.

NoPeace - out
Make money ^_^
I found scripting a lucrative hobby lol

Or work on my next server project. Right now it's an Ro server that I plan on making really awesome lol

Aside from that just chillin' with friends, drink a few toke a few lol