Is there any way to make a server without navicat.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 22, 2007
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I need to not use navicat because my free trial is up and I really want to make one! If not anyone offer ma a chance to be a mod in there server?
Thx Pyrite
Does Anyone Know Any Pre Made FREE Sql Servers That Run Well With Rose. I Need Badly. I Don't Care As Long As They Work.

Basically there are some mysql managers around,
the best ones i know are definitely navicat and phpmyadmin.

You DO know that phpmyadmin is a tool that works through an apache webserver.

If you don't want navicat, what i recommend is that you install easyphp or xxamp (i personaly prefer easyphp).
when you installed easyphp you just go to the program's directory and move the 'phpmyadmin' folder in the 'www' folder.
then you boot up the mysql and apache through the easyphp window (if they aren't already).
then you simply open your browser and goto
now i do recommend you secure phpmyadmin.
open the and be sure to set
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; (http would also work)
then you can login to phpmyadmin with user: root and no password (you should set a password though, can be done through phpmyadmin)

this works on any windows machine.

there is no reason this would not work.

hope this helps you
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