Is World Peace...cliche?

Skilled Illusionist
Sep 27, 2005
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In your really
Lol..I don't think this is a debate in any way..I'm just sick and tired of people saying they want world peace. It happens at every Beauty Pageant and now the Pope is calling for it?

Do people actually think that saying they want world peace will bring about world peace? People marching through the streets of Rome protesting the death penalty and calling for an end to war...

It's an accepted notion of humanity that there is no peace without conflict. Yet the "cliche" call for World Peace has crept its way into Vatican City.

I'm angry...anyone else angry? I mean..really...why not focus on the specifics. World peace is like a Cadbury Egg. The shell of the egg is World Peace and the creme inside is Hunger, War...Religion...

Nice way to sum things up right?

Somewhat of a rant, but I'm also wondering if anyone else feels the same way. Getting tired of people..even the Pope...saying that we need World Peace.
What are you angry about? World peace won't be achieved any time soon, League of nations fail, the Pope can't really do much, seeing as his religion is based on load of b/s (;p).

Disarmament is proberly the only way that World Peace will ever come about, otherwise countries such as France are way too scared ..
you are right in saying there is no peace without conflict

however the only conflict that is necassary is internal conflict, the problem is when it becomes external and projected upon others

if you are truely at peace with yourself then you can truely be at peace with others, when everyone can come to terms with that then we can have true world peace and that would be absolutely fantastic

if you are so tired of people asking for world peace then why dont you 1st work towards your own peace and then help others towards theirs? surely that is a better use of your time and space that picking at why it is a bad idea
you are right in saying there is no peace without conflict

however the only conflict that is necassary is internal conflict, the problem is when it becomes external and projected upon others

if you are truely at peace with yourself then you can truely be at peace with others, when everyone can come to terms with that then we can have true world peace and that would be absolutely fantastic

if you are so tired of people asking for world peace then why dont you 1st work towards your own peace and then help others towards theirs? surely that is a better use of your time and space that picking at why it is a bad idea

he's got a point there.

only problem is that world peace is almost immpossible, especially considering human nature.

ony thing you can really do is like Ex said, make sure you're at peace with yourself and try to spread that peace through your actions with others. And by actions I don't mean protesting or anything of the like. What I mean is how you treat others.
There can't be light without darkness, and vice versa. And "good" and "bad" is debatable of course. As long as people are people, i.e. they can think and such, there will always be conflict. Always be a battlefield, either literally or figuratively.

Hell, if "allies" can't even be civil to each other, how can we expect "enemies" to be? Yeah.. not happening.
Once disturbed - Peace is something that aint gonna come back.
And it's human tendency to go for more and more and that aint gonna change no matter what.

Well, we cannot expect for complete peace but one could always try to keep things upto the verbal level and not move forward into the path of war.
The Pope calling out and asking for people to join in for World Peace aint gonna help much. The Pope needs to understand that it's just not Christianity thats in this world.

Fine, Even if all the Christians do join in - how abt people of other religions? U think BinLaden is gonna join that movement too? Duh. I dont think so.

The only way this world is gonna see Peace is when a gigantic fireball strikes it and ends the story for good.