Issue with Logging In to Server Mir2 

Initiate Mage
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

I have searched various forums for help with this issue but so far no luck

I have created a server and I am online. However when anybody tries to log on it they get the log in screen, make an account then when they try to log in nothing happens it just stays on the log in screen.

I have checked all the IPs and they seem fine and it I do change any then I get connection closed.

Any ideas?
Are you using a modem or router?
Router: make sure ports 7000,7100,7200 are forwarded
(about all I know about routers,=p)

Only need to change 2 ips to run live server.
C:/mirserver/gamegate/Config.txt - GateAddr to ip addr.
C:/mirserver/LoginSrv/!ADDRTBL - 2nd and 3rd one to ip addr.

Evidentally you have an ip wrong somewhere. If the accounts made are saved to the DB, then it must be either in loginsrv or gamegate.
I am using a BT Home Hub with a built in router. I have forwarded the ports already and no luck.

When ppl try to make an account it doesnt save in the database or anywhere. It's like it doesnt register it at all.