just wanted to let you know incase you didnt, when you rebirth and choose to add bounus base stats, the bonus point menu doesnt appear properly, you just get a flashing + button, you can press the button and put your bonus points in but there is no way of pressing 'OK' to get rid of the window, if you exit the game when you log back in the flashing + is back, is there a fix for this, i know an obvious one dont use the bonus point system, but will there be a fix coming out ?
thanks in advance
just wanted to let you know incase you didnt, when you rebirth and choose to add bounus base stats, the bonus point menu doesnt appear properly, you just get a flashing + button, you can press the button and put your bonus points in but there is no way of pressing 'OK' to get rid of the window, if you exit the game when you log back in the flashing + is back, is there a fix for this, i know an obvious one dont use the bonus point system, but will there be a fix coming out ?
thanks in advance