Issues with Rebirthing Bonus Point System Mir2 

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Southampton UK
just wanted to let you know incase you didnt, when you rebirth and choose to add bounus base stats, the bonus point menu doesnt appear properly, you just get a flashing + button, you can press the button and put your bonus points in but there is no way of pressing 'OK' to get rid of the window, if you exit the game when you log back in the flashing + is back, is there a fix for this, i know an obvious one dont use the bonus point system, but will there be a fix coming out ?

thanks in advance
well since both the rebirth and the bonus point system are things the chinese added and not official mir, i havent even taken a look at it (and given it pretty much the lowest priority possible)
i dont really like the idea of rebirth (or bonus points) mostly because i think there are better ways to work with it but well that doesnt mean i wont get arround to taking a look eventualy (just dont ask me when lol)
nps m8, i just wondered thats all, were in the begining of converting our 1.9 server over to 2.3 and we had a fully functional rebirth system so i thaught i would test it out on your files, the rebirth side works a treat, the only problemo is the bp system, its no big deal i just thaught id point it out incase it had been missed =)