Issues with Shinsu attack mode and item stats Mir2 

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
1.) When Shinsu goes into attack mode it goes invisible, doesnt move, makes alot of noise and then returns to normal when threat has gone
2.) Cant seem to find how to add acc/agil to items. Maybe you are planning separate columns for the future?
3.) MassHealing will not add to spell list, when used it flashes on and off.
4.) Regularly get saveDB timeout when I log out, not always but quite often.

I run server on separate PC to playing.
Use mssql for both m2server and dbserver.

If anyone doesnt have these problems please say so I can isolate them to my files.

1.) When Shinsu goes into attack mode it goes invisible, doesnt move, makes alot of noise and then returns to normal when threat has gone
2.) Cant seem to find how to add acc/agil to items. Maybe you are planning separate columns for the future?
3.) MassHealing will not add to spell list, when used it flashes on and off.
4.) Regularly get saveDB timeout when I log out, not always but quite often.

I run server on separate PC to playing.
Use mssql for both m2server and dbserver.

If anyone doesnt have these problems please say so I can isolate them to my files.


i dont believe we have the shinsu problem, try checking in the monster database and the !setup.txt files

acc & agil are put on using the normal columns same as they have from 1.4 (you should be able to find the relevant info on lomcn)

check your database settings in the magic table for it, and make sure you are using the right book name

make sure you dont have the table opened, and what specs does ur server have?
Thanks for your reply, mass healing seems to work now with the new M2 release (feb). Unless it was a random bug.

With shinsu I set up multiple shinsus like on 1.9 but it does not seem to work with these files? Any idea how it works now or can you not use multiple shinsus?

I have tried giving DBserver CPU priority over M2server, seems to be working and not had any timeouts yet. hehe

Item acc/agil is what it says in the columns not the same as 1.4, ie, AC/MAC, I even copied old 1.4 data to see (such as precision necky has A.speed -1 not acc+1)
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Also my fox mobs do not work, I copied them right out of the ms access data file in the download. They do not move right or attack and some dont die.
Same with bonelord, it says it does not exist in the database, but it does!
Oh silly me I was using the data from the data file and didnt real the old todo from the name I assumed it was all in updates.doc
Thanks thats sorted then that leaves

1.) Does multiple shinsus work and how?
2.) Cant seem to find how to add acc/agil to items. Maybe you are planning separate columns for the future?
start up the m2,, go to options,,, function,,, magic tab,,,, bonefamilliar tab,, or shinsu tab,, change count to however many you want to be allowed to summon...

although same,,, not checked
Manythanks for your reply, however, I am unsure about this word, hibyte and lobyte
I have tried big numbers and negative numbers but seem to have a mix of outcomes
Also can you change the body effect that runs when you have FLAG 1 SET ON to another flag? Somewhere in the !setup maybe? FLAG 1 is a big part of the game and effectively everyone who is ingame has is ON
yep, but all you would need to do is change it over to 002 for example, an advanced find and replace in your files should fix it.

if your server is live, just use a namelist to record who has been transferred over to the new numbering
Manythanks for your reply, however, I am unsure about this word, hibyte and lobyte
I have tried big numbers and negative numbers but seem to have a mix of outcomes

I am still stuck here please help

stupid question i know but i have no idea about flags how do u add flag one so that it on 4 everyone when they login?


You must use qmanage
SET [1] 1

Where [1] is the flag and 1 is ON
bah gues i'll go teach you guys some basics
lobyte = numbers from 0-255
hibyte = 256,512,768,...
basicaly a value that has lobyte and hibyte actionly means it's a number that is 'stored' in 2bytes the lobyte and the hibyte
the easyest way to think of this is to take a look at hexagonal numbers
256(decimal)= 100 (in hex) aka 1 hibyte, 0 lobyte
257(decimal)= 101 (in hex) aka 1 hibyte, 1 lobyte
2 (decimal) = 001 (in hex) aka 0 hibyte, 2 lobyte
515 (decimal) = 203 (in hex) aka 2 hibyte, 3 lobyte

hope that helps (windows calculator can convert hex to decimal and back if you use the scientific mode and not the basic mode :p)