
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Got my login server running but cannot get the world server running because it says i should have 121 files in my item_template.sql and i only have 73. As far as i know i have the latest versions, any solutions as to where i messed up at?

I am using Mangos 3180+ scriptdev2 rev.21 + chatlog +Jail patch+honor patch by maestro . And i think the latest database that i can get atm.
Get the latest DBs from and it should work. You will need to register before you can download.

I am currently using this guy's database. I can safely say that out of all of the "Full" SDB compilations that I have downloaded, this one has worked the best. I am using a slightly earlier revision than the one currently posted at the link above, but it should work just the same. If it doesn't work for you, PM me and I'll set you up with the older one. I run a 3184 MaNGOS revision with his SDB 0.6.2 (rev.114) (up to ManGOS rev.3180) Full database.

I did have to update the database with the sql updates from the MaNGOS folder due to the revision number differences. Also make sure you add in your script sql tables or things may not work well.

Hope this helps.
k, so i started over and went there for the files instead. Now i get the errors

Some required *.dbc files (7 from 28) not found or not compatible:
./dbc/AreaTable.dbc (exist, but have 21 fields instead 25) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ChrClasses.dbc (exist, but have 15 fields instead 17) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Faction.dbc (exist, but have 24 fields instead 37) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ItemSet.dbc (exist, but have 82 fields instead 45) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Map.dbc (exist, but have 37 fields instead 42) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Spell.dbc (exist, but have 157 fields instead 173) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/TaxiNodes.dbc (exist, but have 14 fields instead 16) Wrong client version DBC file?

But i am using patch 1.12.1, any suggestions?