• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

ItemMaker - CONFIG - SQL!!

Re: [Guide] ItemMaker - CONFIG - SQL!!

at last, great guide, btw, ty for ur wonderful item maker, i will release my 1.02N and ur works save me a lot of giving back the items.
Re: [Guide] ItemMaker - CONFIG - SQL!!

what can i do? i have clicked in the config on NEW versions
timtrucho - ItemMaker - CONFIG - SQL!! - RaGEZONE Forums

my server: 1.02Q
Re: [Guide] ItemMaker - CONFIG - SQL!!

can't u make it,so that we could use it without having to connect?
just to select place in vault,select item and then to give us the hex code
Re: [Guide] ItemMaker - CONFIG - SQL!!

dude i have question do u have guide on how to use your item maker? all i want to find out if i can add those items to shops... i know i can add them to vault...but that is no good...this programe is great but guide would be useful...not a noob but lack some knowledge of tools
Re: [Guide] ItemMaker - CONFIG - SQL!!

I'm having difficulties of connecting in my SQL, I had tried both local and remote and different logins but still can't make it, I disabled my firewall too.
Re: [Guide] ItemMaker - CONFIG - SQL!!

I have a problem connecting it via remote...can you at least make a guide for this.. thanks
guide on how to connect it via remote..