im gettin bored or forums and sick of ppl ignoring me lately. im not gonna come back 2 forums, and im not coming to rageparty. if u got my msn, i'll still be online but i aint bothering with forums no more, i dont like being ignored
nathan123 said:@rage
no dont fucking start with me, im not in the best of moods lately and im not attention seeking, im sick of forums and i cba with it no more, if u wana argue with me bout it, you can go fuck your mum
nathan123 said:im not coming back, im sick of the forums, all tht ever happens now is ppls pcs fuck up or they get depressed
when my pc goes off tonight, it logs me out forever
BadMan said:o well see ya... you sound like a n00bert to me... i get cused all the time on forums and frankly tons of peeps dont like me... so i dont hang round on them side of forums... to me just seems like your being a n00bert and goin on stupid.... so cyas...
Capricorn said:me love u too ^_^
DarkBahamut said:im sure he doesnt want geordie scum to love him...