Japanese students came!

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Mar 28, 2006
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x Infinity +1
Today the Japanese students came to our school from Japan! It was awesome, I got to see them first period in our Japanese 1 class. It was so cool. There was about 7 girls and 2 guys. I swear, all the Japanese girls are always so hot >.> American women are just fat.

Anyways this next monday we get to go on some field trips with them and stuff. 9 people are hosting them from our class, I didn't host because I literally have nothing cool for them to do, they'd be so bored with me.

I wish I was Japanese, they all look so cool.

So, anyone ever hosted foreign exchange people before? Maybe my Senior year I'll host one, I'll probably be a bit more interesting then o.O
First, you aint Japanese? :O
Second, Japanese Chicks are hotter than American Chicks? :O
Third, Dont let yourself down that way. How do you know they are gonna be bored with you? You could always give it a shot.

Go on a field trip dude. If you take my advice, trust me - it's gonna be off the hook.
Today the Japanese students came to our school from Japan! It was awesome, I got to see them first period in our Japanese 1 class. It was so cool. There was about 7 girls and 2 guys.

There is my proof that the world is unfair!.

1. You have Japanese class.
2. You have get Japanese exchange students on your school.

I swear, all the Japanese girls are always so hot >.> American women are just fat.

First part might be a pleasant thought, but the second part is fortunately not true.
girl ftw
OF COURSE I'm going on that field trip. Being around Japanese people is enough to say FTW.

And no I'm not Japanese >.>