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Jesus's tomb found?

Lies. First off, How in the world are they going to prove its Jesus. No one has a DNA sample of him, not even something that can help them identify him. Love it when people do random stuff to get attention and make it into a world wide attention these days.

If they did find the tomb then million of Christians worldwide wouldn't let a sacred ground be spoiled like that. I don't even believe he existed so this all seems nonsense.
Facts don't prove anything unless you have something to back it up.
It does seem quite interesting all those names are so a like that of the family of jesus in the bible, very interesting, I read an article about this the other day (think someon on here posted something then). But, all in all, real or not, what does it actually prove? not a lot really...
*talks seriously* I'm jesus *end* Yeah but its fake nothing like that can last that long and look like that. It would be more dirty and messed up.
As its pretty long i may watch it tomoz since its 3:15am :s lol. Even though its unbelievable regardless of the fact that theres nothing "solid" been found telling us all he dosent exsist...Theres no official proof for or against his exsistance so we all know as much as each other which is sweet FA lol.
All they can prove is that there was a man named "Jesus' who walked the Earth. They can't prove he was holly and was the son of "god".

It's all crap tbh.