Just a little Easter thought!

Experienced Elementalist
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
I know this maybe a little off topic but with all the talk of Easter is got my little Nooby mind into Gear.

I was wondering if anyone knew why the Easter bunny gives oyu eggs????

I mean, rabbits don't lay eggs, rabbits have nothing to do with eggs.

Maybe if it was the Easter chicken it would make sense, but its a rabbit for gods sake.

Can any of you brain boxes shine any light on this???
See you laugh but you dont give me an answer.

I'm serious guys this is really confusing me.

Either sumone out there knows or I'm gonna complain to the guys that deal with easter (like the government or sumthing)
-=luttolad=- said:
I know this maybe a little off topic but with all the talk of Easter is got my little Nooby mind into Gear.

I was wondering if anyone knew why the Easter bunny gives oyu eggs????

I mean, rabbits don't lay eggs, rabbits have nothing to do with eggs.

Maybe if it was the Easter chicken it would make sense, but its a rabbit for gods sake.

Can any of you brain boxes shine any light on this???

a egg is round.
the world is round.
the little tail from a rabbit is round.
I've found it :cool: !!!:D
you guys are all wrong with those fucking rabbits and eggs that symbolize life.. tsst...
it is just a round egg (or the yellow stuff inside it is round) and the round eyes from a rabbit or the round little white tail from a rabbit.
Re: Re: Just a little Easter thought!

fenos said:
a egg is round.
the world is round.
the little tail from a rabbit is round.
I've found it :cool: !!!:D
you guys are all wrong with those fucking rabbits and eggs that symbolize life.. tsst...
it is just a round egg (or the yellow stuff inside it is round) and the round eyes from a rabbit or the round little white tail from a rabbit.

i think uv gone "round" the twist:D
Capricorn said:
An egg symbolises new life. New life at Easter time for everyone through Jesus' death and all that shit.

And rabbits bring new life cos' they're constantly horny and fucking each other.

Well that's what I think. :D

lets analyse

An egg symbolises new life. New life at Easter time for everyone through Jesus' death and all that shit.

hmm seems cap is talking seriously O.o

And rabbits bring new life cos' they're constantly horny and fucking each other.

Oooo yeah, here comes the real CAP after his VIAGRA lol :rofl: :rofl: