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Just would let you know part2

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The Unbeatable
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Oh sorry... what do you want me to do? PUT A ******* DISCLAIMER UNDER THE LAUGH????
No your again stupid, a moderator shouldnt even laugh, while they can laugh about it but not in public, fact is that even though it maybe funny its still breaking the rules, and when you show them that it is funny they will continue.
You don't know the rules and you never will.

I dont even care about the whole morphix thing. I cant remeber what i was gona say about it as well. The point is that i was gona make a comment and i couldent coz u had locked the thread which i WOULDENT HAVE EXPECTED TO HAPPEN IN THE STAFF FUKING FORUM
Like i said it wasn't open for discussion anymore, i could leave it open but like you said you would be posting on it again, and when something isn't open for discussion then it means you shouldn't post anymore, but that's something you don't understand.

Funny..... i was told you take alot of other things . Awww poor gohan cant take a few comments.
These kind of comments would cause your mod position on a normal forum, but i guess you have been kissing MentaL's ***.

Sorry to say this but thats coz you dont have much of a life. mentaL spends allot of his time on other things... he cant baby sit the site all the time. You decided to take it all on yourself coz your a dumb a$$ with 2 much free time lol.
Life or no life MentaL makes about as many hours here on RZ as me, but he simply does other stuff, and that aint a problem but that doesnt mean i have nothing to say, i was a admin and i did alot of work, although i don't own the place doesn't mean i can't check things like PMs anymore, afterall if i wasnt allowed to do anything in the admin panel then why would i be admin?

I never respected the rules? Jesus thats funny. I must have been asked to be mod coz i was breaking them all the time yeah? (dumba$s). And yes thats right, i saw you as an equal. Just the same as i see mentaL as an equal (altho i give him allot of respect). If mentaL ever said anything i dident agree with it wouldent think twice about going against it. Its called selfrespect and not being an arse licker.
Erm Bazi have been a mod too, a terrible mod, because your good as a member doesn't mean your good as a mod, but you don't understand that.
You see MentaL as a equal eh? Well let me tell you this, if he tells you to do something then you do it, or you could say your not my boss and leave as a mod, when you become a mod you get a boss, although you may not like it but thats how it works.

FFS what is it with u n rules? This is exactly what im going on about. I DO FOLLOW THE FUKING RULES. How can u honestly say that i dont follow the rules when i was made a mod in the first place? And no i never thought being a mod would be nice lol. Its our jobs to clean up allot of the **** on the forums (that includes you now you fukwit). And once again.... bla bla bla bla rules bla bla bla bla i made the rules bla bla bla bla all gohan . Howabout play with my nuts?
Ok let me tell you a few rules.
1. You don't call your Admin a asskisser, let alone in public, if you got a problem with a Admin then you leave.
2. When a person violates the rules and even though it maybe be very funny then you don't laugh about it, flaming is not allowed, and when you put that laughing smilie there then you flame the person, mods need to stay unbiased.
3. You don't lie about a Admin to a other mod.

I dont know jack..... yup its true... i dont know the 'inside' as you put it . And theres your whole 'im gohan and i suck mentals dick' thing again. Now if you said MentaL is a good mate of yours then i could slightly understand why you would get that impression. Oh yeah of course lol. Quiks was getting at the point that he knows that if i spent this much effort on someone like you then its probably coz you did something / things to REALLY FUK ME OFF. Well hes right.
1 thing to say for this MORON

Need a mod to close this topic as its getting nowhere. Would do it myself but neosparky is back as mod now
Yes she was look for attention, she have been de-modded for not even a day, and in that day nothing changed because i was still supermod at that moment, very sad performance if you ask me
Im not evan gona come up with specific responces anymore... What are you trying to achive? I mean really. Its like your playing a game of who gets the last word in :lol:.

To my understanding you blocked neosparky from MSN when she said she was your friend.... Hows that gona make her feel? All i say to that is **** you to hell you evil bastard.

Once again... someone close this. Its a waist of time.
Just go get a dog then, or **** your neighbours dog....
Solares said:
Im not evan gona come up with specific responces anymore... What are you trying to achive? I mean really. Its like your playing a game of who gets the last word in :lol:.

To my understanding you blocked neosparky from MSN when she said she was your friend.... Hows that gona make her feel? All i say to that is **** you to hell you evil bastard.

Once again... someone close this. Its a waist of time.
Because you know you can't win, your wrong, you did to much **** as a moderator, way to much.

I blocked her when we got on the point about that you said i was responsible for removing/preventing you from general, and when i said it was BS she said she believed you. Well i don't need such people in my list, i told her it was BS and she doesn't believe me so....
GohanSSJ said:
Just go get a dog then, or **** your neighbours dog....

Because you know you can't win, your wrong, you did to much **** as a moderator, way to much.

I blocked her when we got on the point about that you said i was responsible for removing/preventing you from general, and when i said it was BS she said she believed you. Well i don't need such people in my list, i told her it was BS and she doesn't believe me so....

What do you want me to say to make you STFU? That your right and everything ive said is crap? Well im not gona fuking say that. Coz i know im not wrong. I spose in some ways your not wrong as well. Theres no winner tho. Point is it doesent fuking matter now. Can you not leave it? Allot of ppl hate you and i dare say that a fair people dont like me as well...... What does it matter? Leave it. OLD NEWS!!!
Thing is that you should be removed from mod, in all your time you have been making many faults, and those were not mistakes but simply because you don't follow the rules.
GohanSSJ said:
Thing is that you should be removed from mod, in all your time you have been making many faults, and those were not mistakes but simply because you don't follow the rules.

So now your mish is to de-mod me again? PLEASE FUK OFF :lol:.

Im not a bad fuking mod. I do my job where i can. Shame at the moment i cant do much. Why arnt you happy with that? lol
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