Hey there ,
Could anyone help me with this quest script?
The server doesn't load it though.
The script itself :
Could anyone help me with this quest script?
The server doesn't load it though.
The script itself :
# Created by DraX on 2005.08.12
# minor fixes by DrLecter 2005.09.10
print "importing village master data: Clan ...done"
import sys
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
class Quest (JQuest) :
def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr)
def onEvent (self,event,st):
htmltext = event
Level = st.getPlayer().getLevel()
ClanLeader = st.player.isClanLeader()
PlayerinClan = st.player.getClanId()
Adena = 57
Fish1 = 6473
Fish2 = 6491
Fish3 = 6482
if event == "9000-01.htm": htmltext = "9000-01.htm"
elif event == "9000-02.htm":
if ClanLeader == 1:
return "9000-07.htm" # is clan leader
if PlayerinClan != 0:
return "9000-09.htm" # is in clan
if Level < 79:
return "9000-06.htm" # to low level
if st.getQuestItemsCount(Adena) <= 1799999999:
return "9000-90.htm" # not enought adena
if st.getQuestItemsCount(Fish1) <= 99:
return "9000-91.htm" # not enought of Fish1
if st.getQuestItemsCount(Fish2) <= 99:
return "9000-92.htm" # not enought of Fish2
if st.getQuestItemsCount(Fish3) <= 99:
return "9000-93.htm" # not enought of Fish3
if st.takeItems(57,1800000000)
if st.takeItems(6473,100)
if st.takeItems(6491,100)
if st.takeItems(6482,100)
elif event == "9000-03.htm": htmltext = "9000-03.htm"
elif event == "9000-04.htm" and ClanLeader == 1: htmltext = "9000-04.htm"
elif event == "9000-04.htm" and PlayerinClan != 0: htmltext = "9000-08.htm"
elif event == "9000-04.htm" and PlayerinClan == 0: htmltext = "9000-11.htm"
elif event == "9000-05.htm": htmltext = "9000-05.htm"
elif event == "9000-12.htm": htmltext = "9000-12.htm"
elif event == "9000-13.htm": htmltext = "9000-13.htm"
elif event == "9000-14.htm": htmltext = "9000-14.htm"
elif event == "9000-15.htm": htmltext = "9000-15.htm"
elif event == "9000-16.htm": htmltext = "9000-16.htm"
elif event == "9000-94.htm": htmltext = "9000-94.htm"
elif event == "9000-95.htm": htmltext = "9000-95.htm"
else: htmltext = "9000-02.htm"
return htmltext
def onTalk (Self,npc,st):
npcId = npc.getNpcId()
if npcId in NPC:
return "9000-01.htm"
QUEST = Quest(9000,"9000_clan","village_master")
CREATED = State('Start', QUEST)
STARTED = State('Started', QUEST)
COMPLETED = State('Completed', QUEST)
for item in NPC:
### Quest NPC starter initialization
### Quest NPC initialization