This file helps you freeze less while you use storms, 3rd job and other stuff your mana is marked with black dot this file is out for long time but I didn't saw anyone realeasing it yet
Download the file inside are two img. copy them and paste into data>hypertext and over paste it thats it.
people usually freeze because of hp drain scroll it drains so much that it laggs as hell.
Edited: Freeze Fix v2 added on second page with 2 diff download links as some had probs with download.Enjoy.
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Download the file inside are two img. copy them and paste into data>hypertext and over paste it thats it.
people usually freeze because of hp drain scroll it drains so much that it laggs as hell.
Edited: Freeze Fix v2 added on second page with 2 diff download links as some had probs with download.Enjoy.
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