Kobold - NPC Speed and Respawn Rate

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, couple things I wanna change around here and I'm not sure how to do it.

First of all, the monsters seem to run.. extremely fast. You try to run away and they catch up to you like nothing. Also I found that one of the NPCs I had to talk to for a quest was wandering randomly (I think it was Milly at the starting place for humans) and she was just zipping from one waypoint to the next. Could barely talk to her! Seems like the same issue.

Secondly, all the monsters take a hell of a long time to respawn. I can clear a while area and still have to wait 5 minutes for them to start spawning.

Any ideas?
Thanks, Jeremy

Im not sure.
Did you tried to look in all dokuments ? ("Repack\WS\scripts")

i think if you could change it, it would be there .
I would imagine you edit the .py files.. but the .pyc files are probably the ones the game recognizes right? What are they? Compiled .py files?
Yes, the .pyc files are the compiled versions of the .py files. The server compiles them if needed each time the server is booted up.

So, if you change something in a .py file, run the cleaner program in the script folder to clear out the compiled versions. This is so the new .py files can take effect.

I hope that makes sense =)
Awesome! And here I was downloading python compilers and I couldnt figure out how to work them..blaaaaa

thanks :)