Kobolt v3 vs Mangos.

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 16, 2007
Reaction score

i was wondering if the current issues with mangos are fixed under kobolt : ( using verion 3231 of mangos with devscript 27 and db 6.2.

1: You get agro from mobs from other side of walls even if they can t see you.
2: Stealth gets agro even if the mob is the same level ( proximity agro is not real stealth ). You can t really sneak into an instance or use sap effectively unless you put agro at 0, then again you dont need stealth for that ;p.
3: Instance mobs respawn way too quickly. (if you try to solo you get overrunned)
4: Sap and gauge cause to auto attack and remove dizziness.
6:When using long range weapons or spells agro is only taken from the target mob and does not propagate to the mobs arround the target. Makes for easy pickingz so you can easely defeat great groups of mobs one by one.

let me know if any of you got to test these issues with kobolt.

thanks later!