Laggy clients?

Initiate Mage
Sep 9, 2016
Reaction score
Hi,I quit talisman online like one year ago and like 2 weeks ago i downloaded a random server like everytime i walk or use a mount or even the animations from character creation the game is really really laggy i thought is that server's client but i honestly download like 5 of em and i have exactly same issue,my question is it just me or is something about new clients? since i see most of people got westplace files and new weap skins from chinese version?I don't think is my PC because i run games like Blade&Soul/Tera/Perfect World etc etc just fine no lag or anything and Talisman is a small game unlike the one i listed.If anyone have any idea whats going post here plis.
P.S. Sorry if i posted in wrong section w/e.