LAN login problem


Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
OK, finally figured out how to get everything up and running ^^ . Now I have a question for you network junkies. I have a wireless router with the same Internet IP. I know that I can do the CMD -> IPCONFIG to see the computers Individual IP address. Now under the non server computer I place my server Computer IP in the Relmlist.

SKi - LAN login problem - RaGEZONE Forums

As you can see in red would be the number in relmlist. And it won't let me connect from my other computer. Now I've tried to dual run WOW on my server computer and it does the same thing, why?

Thanks, SKi :punch:
Didn't work

I tried using the localhost, and localhost IP in the Realmlist. The Client disconnected right away, and with the IP selected in red it seemed to get me further. Though it still wouldn't let me threw, kept bouncing me back to Server selection. I'm wondering if Mangos has a blocker of some sort. :eek: Thanks for the help so far, keep it coming please.

SKi. :yay:
Did you tried ??
Or else go here:
Other i dunno. Try global ip.
It's broken . . .

OK, so I've tried the and disconnected me right away, When I put in the IP address from what is my Ip? the same thing happened when I place the IP highlighted in red up top >.< So I'm stuck in the same place it seems ^^.

Thanks, SKi
Maybe this will help.

I've got some more pictures that might help explain the problem better. As said before, I can connect to my server computer from the client computer. It bounces me out of the character selection back to the server select page.

SKi - LAN login problem - RaGEZONE Forums

When I click on the connect button, every thing seems to run fine for a few seconds them goes back to the server selection screen. As image posted above shows.

Here is how the layout of my net work with the router looks like. It may or may not help.

SKi - LAN login problem - RaGEZONE Forums

Thanks, SKi :punch:
Question about WAN

You could try setting the realmd to the <WAN IP>, then changing the hosts file so that the <WAN IP> points back to the <LAN IP> and see if your able to connect.

OK, so I did as you said. And I get this.

2007-02-20 07:41:59 Using configuration file realmd.conf.
2007-02-20 07:41:59 MaNGOS realm daemon /0.7-SVN (Win32)
2007-02-20 07:41:59 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2007-02-20 07:41:59 Database: "My WAN IP";"My PORT NUMBER";USERNAME;PASSWORD;realmd
2007-02-20 07:42:20 ERROR:Could not connect to MySQL database at "My WAN IP": Can't connect to MySQL server on '"My WAN IP"' (10060)

2007-02-20 07:42:20 ERROR:Cannot connect to database

And yes, I went to , I didn't enter My WAN IP ^^

Thanks, SKi
I'll give it a try. Though at They talk about port forwarding, here is what it says.

-your router needs to forward all WoW ports to your computer. If you are not shure what ports to forward just forward all these:
  • 3443
  • 8085
  • 3724
Why would I have to forward all of them? Wouldn't I just need to forward the MYsql, Realmd, and mangosd port number?

Thanks, SKi
I gave it a shot.

u could also try this:

Followed all the instructions said to follow. Even with the port forwarding and all, and still having that problem. I'm beginning to think that my computers have a dislike for each other >.< o well, try, try, try again.

Thanks, SKi :laugh:
Two things, are you using the proper DNS name in your when you try to connect? Be sure to use whatever you have entered into the realmlist table in your realmd database.

Second thing is that if you are trying to use a TBC server then you may need to apply the emupedia removal patch to allow for hosting other than on localhost.

You can find that and other information here on the forum or at where you can actually do searches as a registered member.

Be sure to disable your firewalls or allow them to accept connections.
About the server type

MaNGOS Server:
I don't think I'm using TBC server. Should I switch to that type of server? :juggle: I'm running MaNGOS daemon /0.7-SVN. Now If I set my REALMD to the DNS, It' gives me that error about not being able to connect to MySQL database which is set to local host or (same thing, I know) So, does that mean I need to adjust MySQL from my "Localhost" setting to my DNS address?

OK, Both computers have the same version of firewall. The firewall can see each computer as posted in my picture above (Network layout). I gave accsess to both of the computers, letting the whole rang of the router IP addresses threw the firewall as shown in my picture below.
SKi - LAN login problem - RaGEZONE Forums

Should I try entering the WAN IP, or DNS as well?

Thanks, SKi