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LAN users who cannot connect...

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
This resolved my issue:


Step By Step

-go to
-log in with your new account
-go to "my services"
-go to "Add Host Services"

now do 1) OR 2)

1) if you have a static IP adress:
go to Add Static DNS Host
create a DNS Host name and configure it with your ip adress given from

2) If you dont have a static IP
go to Add Dynamic DNS Host (this needs to be reconfigured every time your IP changes)
create a Dynamic DNS Host name and configure it with your CURRENT ip adress given from .

after doing either A or B you will have createn a dns name like "test.ath.cx" or "new.dyndns.org"

now, open your MySQL database (remember, i asume your server is allready instaled)
open the database REALMD
then go to REALMLIST and change your servers IP adress to your newly created dns name (just writ it in without "www" or something)

now every person should be able to connect by editing the "realmlist.wtf" file in your WoW folder to "set realmlist newDNSnameYOUcreated"

set realmlist test.dyndns.org

you and every one else behind your router still cant because the router normaly doesn't forward your connection back to an internal IP adress.

so here is whats you do:
there is a file in the windows directory named "hosts", it is normaly in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, but you can simply search for it.
first do a backup of this file, so if you do something wrong you won't blame it all on me
then open it with notepad
you will se allot of explanation text and then a line looking like this: localhost

dont change that! PLEASE! LEAVE IT!
under that line, write in the same way your LAN ip andres (not the one from whatsmyip) and after that the dns name you created. so it could look like this: localhost test.dyndns.org

left is your local area network IP adress, and right is your newly created DNS name.
the spacing isn't important, you need at least one space between both.

what this does.
when outside ppl connect to your server, they will get the DNS name you created, and will conect to the IP adress you provided with it.
when you conect to your server, you will get the DNS name but won't even search for the IP adress, since you allready have a IP adress for this DNS in your "hosts" file and you will connect to your own internal IP adress.

repeat the same "host file editing" on every LAN computer that wants to join, but not on anyone outside your network.

have fun!

taken from syberjj, mangosforums

when editing LOCAL users hostfiles, ensure you put the SERVERS local IP and then the dynamic DNS name.