Latest W33DCore 2.0.5 svn but dbc 2.0.5 does not work :(

Infinity/Divinity Dev
Jun 7, 2004
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Latest W33DCore 2.0.5 svn but dbc 2.0.5 does not work :(

Anyone know whats up tried 2.0.4 aswell 2.0.1 and 2.0.6
yes.... Dude in the paralell thread says that those files is for 2.0.2. I've not tested coz i have a strange 2.0.1 version and can't upgrade to anithing else...
You wont have any use for it, Its not Mangos based, nor ludmilla, nor WoWEmu. :)
Well i wont make them public as long as it is not allowed .
But i will deliver an new site for it when i can get to work with the files to tweek site for it .

Al i need is all files to install server and all db needed and so on and i will work on an new site just for HSemu only and it will lose project rage name .

Project rage will only be for mangos files then .
You wont have any use for it, Its not Mangos based, nor ludmilla, nor WoWEmu. :)

you know what? I'm sick with that kind of people
"I have that but I don't show you! :p"
You think you are more important? Prove it!
Let someone else to see that super server. Let someone from here play on it.
And then you can say you are Einstein, Newton or Gates.
If you can't do that then shot UP!
HSEmu wont be released untill we have a website - Mainly b'coz its not ready to be released yet, We are still getting flying mounts working - Its about 60% working, We are working on sending packets to the server that allows it to move around, aka fly around.

The Emulator is also a Cash on Delievery Item, It will be shipped over to the location where you want it to be, You have to pay from there - It will include a box with an Activation Key to use, and run HSEmu.
HSemu is running for 2.0.1 at least thats what banner says on emupedia ;)
But if they wont share it public its fine with me . Then i will work on an new release for project rage .

I will make an new flash site soon for it . Thanks to an idea posted it will have an dran and BE template and an loader after loader finiched you can chose horde or allianse bringing you to one of the 2 templates ;)
HSEmu = HeartStone Emulator, This is nowhere getting close to Hacking Source WoW, Sorry for the confusing.

Also dj75lazer - I dont have to prove you, nor anyone els ANYTHING.

This emulator wont be public, You are going have to pay for it, Just b'coz you want a better emulator it wont change my mind to make it public, To be honest I dont care what you just said.
Yeh yeh and we pay and nothing gets delivered i know that trick its the oldest one in the book ;)

Well than dont but as you sould have noticed this is an mangos tread your posted your comments in ;)

And yes you roberly would get it to work for 2.0.5 or 2.0.6 when you know how . I dunno how so dont ask me all i know is that changing expected client wont work for it .