• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Launcher, client server....help

Junior Spellweaver
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Umm, I hate this. Can someone show me a tutorial on how to make a GunZ Launcher and how to edit the server name on the client?

Yes, I did try and hex'edit my gunz.exe client in my hex editor (UltraEdit). When I replaced Debug Server with GZU-GunZ and saved it, the client icon was replaced by a white square with a blue rectangle as the header and it wouldnot run...there was a "this is not a valid bla bla bla file".

So, does anybody know how to successfully hex-edit a launcher and a client's server name because my hex-editor doesn't like me that much.
Uh, I just coded my own launcher in VB, so I can't really help there. I think there's a tutorial on editing launchers by Thugie.

And as far as hex-editing the client, make sure the runnable is unpacked before hex-editing it (google "unpacking exe files", it's most likely packed with something like ASPack or UPX).
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I have no idea how to unpack a exe file. Looked it up in google and the results were confusing.

As for the launcher, I downloaded Awebs launcher and I just configurated it for my own use.

The server name changing still enigmafies me.

Enigmafies = confuses, puzzles

hehe, new vocab term.
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To make a GunZ Launcher, you can use VB.

Open VB, make a command button. Double click on the command button and type
Shell "C:\Program Files\MAIET\Gunz\Gunz.exe"
edit the path if necessary. Compile and there you have it.
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