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Leaks - Your Opinion? Private 

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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If you don't mind, could you each answer these questions to your best ability? I want feedback to know how others feel about it, but if you leak yourself lol k u can post also, lets find out what goes on in your head.

There's good leaks and bad. Good is usually when you're in a corrupted team and the leak sort of shows the corrupted members a big F U. Like that v9x something "server" long ago that was never going up and just was stealing donations lol.

People who are assholes that leak is the theme and by leaks I mean like uh... sources, websites, designs that weren't meant to be released publicly. (Redirectors not included, if you can't protect it well nuff for being decomplied lol)

  1. Do you like leaks? (By assholes, not by people who used to be in a corrupt team)
  2. Why do you think they leak?
  3. If a past member did something like leaked a file, all files or stole stuff, would you re invite that person knowing he/she might do it again because he/she say they changed? (In memory of Norm Feuti's work.)
  4. Has anything from you (MADE by you) been leaked?
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Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
If you don't mind, could you each answer these questions to your best ability? I want feedback to know how others feel about it, but if you leak yourself lol k u can post also, lets find out what goes on in your head.

There's good leaks and bad. Good is usually when you're in a corrupted team and the leak sort of shows the corrupted members a big F U. Like that v9x something "server" long ago that was never going up and just was stealing donations lol.

People who are assholes that leak is the theme and by leaks I mean like uh... sources, websites, designs that weren't meant to be released publicly. (Redirectors not included, if you can't protect it well nuff for being decomplied lol)

  1. Do you like leaks? (By assholes, not by people who used to be in a corrupt team)
  2. Why do you think they leak?
  3. If an older member who used to once be in he team, but got removed due to circumstanced and was later re-added, would you regret this? Why? (In memory of Norm Fetish's work.)
  4. Has anything from you (MADE by you) been leaked?

1. Depends:: If the leak is a crap leak (also counts for releases) then i don't like it, if it can help most of the community then i like it.
2. Most off the time i think they leak because they are all people like extremedevil, (ppl who wants to get credits for something they didn't made). However they could also leak to help the community.
3. Depends on the reason why he got removed. (if he for example broke his hand and couldn't type for 6 weeks, then he may come back (my opinion), if he is for example more a leecher then not)
4. Not yet.

If i leak something, then i will always post the credits of the maker in the leaked post.
(IDK if you call this a "leak" http://forum.ragezone.com/f690/release-extalias-maplestoryu-builder-973903/, but i clearly said it is made by extalia .)
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Skilled Illusionist
Oct 16, 2012
Reaction score
If you don't mind, could you each answer these questions to your best ability? I want feedback to know how others feel about it, but if you leak yourself lol k u can post also, lets find out what goes on in your head.

There's good leaks and bad. Good is usually when you're in a corrupted team and the leak sort of shows the corrupted members a big F U. Like that v9x something "server" long ago that was never going up and just was stealing donations lol.

People who are assholes that leak is the theme and by leaks I mean like uh... sources, websites, designs that weren't meant to be released publicly. (Redirectors not included, if you can't protect it well nuff for being decomplied lol)

  1. Do you like leaks? (By assholes, not by people who used to be in a corrupt team)
    No as they can do damage, type and severity depends on the what the leak is. However, I do appreciate useful leaks.

  2. Why do you think they leak?
    Some people leak for revenge, others leak to help the community, the rest idk.

  3. If an older member who used to once be in he team, but got removed due to circumstanced and was later re-added, would you regret this? Why? (In memory of Norm Feuti's work.)
    Same as hilia, depends on why that member was removed.

  4. Has anything from you (MADE by you) been leaked?
    Not yet. I usually work alone at my own pace or with people that I'm rather familiar with.

Answered in quote
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
Reaction score
1. Depends:: If the leak is a crap leak (also counts for releases) then i don't like it, if it can help most of the community then i like it.
2. Most off the time i think they leak because they are all people like extremedevil, (ppl who wants to get credits for something they didn't made). However they could also leak to help the community.
3. Depends on the reason why he got removed. (if he for example broke his hand and couldn't type for 6 weeks, then he may come back (my opinion), if he is for example more a leecher then not)
4. Not yet.

If i leak something, then i will always post the credits of the maker in the leaked post.
(IDK if you call this a "leak" http://forum.ragezone.com/f690/release-extalias-maplestoryu-builder-973903/, but i clearly said it is made by extalia .)

Yeah lol. At 3, I mean if he/she did something bad while being in the team, not personal stuff.

Also, want a laugh? Google "ExtremeDevilz" gotta love cheatengine forum
Experienced Elementalist
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
1) It's kinda lame that its stolen but i love digging into "private" code
2) Probably to piss someone off. No one really has robin hood intentions..
3) idk
4) Yeah WvsRedirector and my first clientless bot source ( that i made in grade 9 lol)
Mythic Archon
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
If you don't mind, could you each answer these questions to your best ability? I want feedback to know how others feel about it, but if you leak yourself lol k u can post also, lets find out what goes on in your head.

There's good leaks and bad. Good is usually when you're in a corrupted team and the leak sort of shows the corrupted members a big F U. Like that v9x something "server" long ago that was never going up and just was stealing donations lol.

People who are assholes that leak is the theme and by leaks I mean like uh... sources, websites, designs that weren't meant to be released publicly. (Redirectors not included, if you can't protect it well nuff for being decomplied lol)

  1. Do you like leaks? (By assholes, not by people who used to be in a corrupt team)
  2. Why do you think they leak?
  3. If an older member who used to once be in he team, but got removed due to circumstanced and was later re-added, would you regret this? Why? (In memory of Norm Feuti's work.)
  4. Has anything from you (MADE by you) been leaked?

1. Personally, I have no opinion on this. I don't like that assholes who just take a source and release it without explicit reason (they do it for the e-penis), so I guess I don't like these types of leaks lately.
2. E-Penis. 'nough said.
3. I don't really understand this.... but I guess I would regret it because it would just plain suck getting removed from the team and then getting re-added? idk
4. Nope. I haven't done anything worthwhile that has been released as a server or anything (I do have my own work though...)

Overall, my opinion on leaks is basically that it is okay in a way, depending on who leaks and on what circumstances. If it is just for e-penis or such, I don't really like them. If not, I'm okay with it.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
If you don't mind, could you each answer these questions to your best ability? I want feedback to know how others feel about it, but if you leak yourself lol k u can post also, lets find out what goes on in your head.

There's good leaks and bad. Good is usually when you're in a corrupted team and the leak sort of shows the corrupted members a big F U. Like that v9x something "server" long ago that was never going up and just was stealing donations lol.

People who are assholes that leak is the theme and by leaks I mean like uh... sources, websites, designs that weren't meant to be released publicly. (Redirectors not included, if you can't protect it well nuff for being decomplied lol)

  1. Do you like leaks? (By assholes, not by people who used to be in a corrupt team)
  2. Why do you think they leak?
  3. If a past member did something like leaked a file, all files or stole stuff, would you re invite that person knowing he/she might do it again because he/she say they changed? (In memory of Norm Feuti's work.)
  4. Has anything from you (MADE by you) been leaked?

1. No, and they're faggots
2. Refer to 1.
3. what kind of question is that, of course not
4. yes, once but the leaker was already a confirmed penis sucker so I don't really care
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
Do you like leaks? (By assholes, not by people who used to be in a corrupt team)

I like them because sometimes it's interesting to see what other people make, and how they do it. I also don't like it because people work hard on their code, and it's not fair for it to become available. I guess I've taken a stance on leaks in this section by not developing stuff for servers anymore, and the stuff that I do develop is open source and easily accessible.

Why do you think they leak?
Angry at their team, don't have skills to do it themselves, etc.

If a past member did something like leaked a file, all files or stole stuff, would you re invite that person knowing he/she might do it again because he/she say they changed? (In memory of Norm Feuti's work.)

Depends. I'm much quicker to judge and hold grudges (I guess) against people online. Most likely, I would not.

Has anything from you (MADE by you) been leaked?
Yes, quite a bit of my work has been leaked.
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
1. Depends entirely on the license of the leaked material. Open source stuff which legally gives you the right to share it as much as you want I'm okay with. Leaking proprietary code though, I'm not so okay with.
2. Usually because they want to offend someone.
3. No
4. No
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
1 Yeah
2 People leak sources because they want to most likely (if on a team they hate, or get upset over something stupid) hurt someones feelings, or they gave up on the project
3 No
4 No
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
  1. Yes doesn't matter how it was leaked or by whom.
  2. To grow their E-penis
  3. Nah
  4. Nope everything is ip/account protected
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah lol. At 3, I mean if he/she did something bad while being in the team, not personal stuff.

Also, want a laugh? Google "ExtremeDevilz" gotta love cheatengine forum
Dat IRC 0_0

Then the answer is "No"
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Junior Spellweaver
Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
1. No, leaks always mean the orignal creator did not ment to release it him/herself, almost forcing the orginal creator to release a better version of it.
2. Probably to claim the credits.
3. No, once gone means forever gone.
4. Too much.
Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score
If you don't mind, could you each answer these questions to your best ability? I want feedback to know how others feel about it, but if you leak yourself lol k u can post also, lets find out what goes on in your head.

There's good leaks and bad. Good is usually when you're in a corrupted team and the leak sort of shows the corrupted members a big F U. Like that v9x something "server" long ago that was never going up and just was stealing donations lol.

People who are assholes that leak is the theme and by leaks I mean like uh... sources, websites, designs that weren't meant to be released publicly. (Redirectors not included, if you can't protect it well nuff for being decomplied lol)

  1. Do you like leaks? (By assholes, not by people who used to be in a corrupt team)
  2. Why do you think they leak?
  3. If a past member did something like leaked a file, all files or stole stuff, would you re invite that person knowing he/she might do it again because he/she say they changed? (In memory of Norm Feuti's work.)
  4. Has anything from you (MADE by you) been leaked?

1. No they are uncalled for. People/teams work hard on their projects and to have it thrown on the internet(without permission) for people to abuse it is wrong. Plus, 90% of people who download it have no idea wth they are doing anyways.
2. To make themselves look cool.
3. Hell no, fk off goodbye. I don't give a shat if your an amazing coder.
4. Nope i don't share my stuff, plus it's not impressive anyways.
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
#1 : That is extremely relative to the situation; resources themselves vary in importance and there are always reasons why certain things should and shouldn't be publicly available.

#2 : Their actions are usually self-motivated rather than for the good of the community. What did you think would happen when you throw together a bunch of introverted narcissists?

#3 : That really depends on their actions and whether or not they intended harm in the first place with their actions. Personally, I would want to get to know a person decently well before I even let them look at my projects. I would make the judgement call afterward. Even someone I knew from the past would fall under this necessity of determination.

#4 : No, most of my work usually ended up being released or scrapped entirely (at that point, no one had my code - not even me).