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Legend of Mir2

Aug 28, 2003
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Okay yes, it's that time again where Becky feels sentimental/nostalgic! If that sort of thing turns you off, ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!

Anyway, for whatever reason, I have been thinking of Legend of Mir again. I swear, at least once a damn year, I think about "the old days" with friends that have come and gone on here. I don't know why I do this to myself... the last time I played Mir 2 was what, 2006? Is that right? Dear me, dear my, how can that even be! I'm getting so old!

So, apparently I can't help but live in the past. I'm sure that is a bad thing... doctor's would probably say so anyway! But you know what, I miss it. I miss that simple, stupid, yet amazingly addictive, fun little game. I miss my friends, so many of you that aren't even here anymore, some that probably are, lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce (like me!). Up until recently, my online identity has been scarce - just do what I have to do for work. Yeah, I'm a ghost! But it's mainly because I move around so much and yeah (this is starting to sound like a blog post, do people even do blogs anymore?)...

I guess my point is, I don't know who reads this section anymore, or who is still around at all, but I just want to say I miss you guys, I miss Legend of Mir 2, and I really wish there was a way to play it again together. Maybe one day, when we are all in the nursing home, someone will have made a virtual edition of it, and we can go inside the game and hunt us some Bone Elites, or Woomataurus, or get lost in Zuma Temple!

Okay, this ended up longer than I meant for it to be. Sorry. If you are still reading, thanks. If not, well, then you have made me cry. Hope that makes you feel good!

I will leave you with me doing what I did best: poisoning the crap out of everything!
Becky - Legend of Mir2 - RaGEZONE Forums

Love yahs! :love:
Aug 28, 2003
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Yo Becks!

I'm glad it's not just me still constantly longing for those days! Oh so long ago now!

I always hope that everyone I played with is doing well though!

Sexy Exy!

Yes, I am a nostalgic, sentimental kind of gal... I wish it weren't so, but no matter how much time passes, I can't help but think of my old friends on here.

I realize most are gone... I get it. I know I can't recreate the past just by wishing it (unless...)... BUT, I will never stop dreaming! I had so much fun during those days. I don't care how much time passes, how old I get... I will always remember! :blush:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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Still remember when Raff pked me and I lost practically everything. Was on the 3rd floor of the Minotemple and I ran as fast as my stupid little wizard legs would take me to get my gear back.
Put Community First
Loyal Member
Oct 2, 2014
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Wish I was more active back in those days (had a few RZ accounts over the years) to experience this with you all, it looks like a fun Diablo alternative. Wonder if there are files floating around we could mess with as a small community...
Aug 28, 2003
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Still remember when Raff pked me and I lost practically everything. Was on the 3rd floor of the Minotemple and I ran as fast as my stupid little wizard legs would take me to get my gear back.

I don't know who Raff is, but he/she sounds like they needed a beatdown!

Mir was the tits.

At the end of the day, at least you can say, you were in charge of something that gave so many people so many memories. So many that people are still talking about it years and years later!

Wish I was more active back in those days (had a few RZ accounts over the years) to experience this with you all, it looks like a fun Diablo alternative. Wonder if there are files floating around we could mess with as a small community...

Yeah, there are various files to create a Mir 2 server still out there. There are a few still running as well, some with pretty decent numbers for such an old game. I mean, they have nothing on the greatness of RZ, but what can you do ;)

I still hear the chickens....

and the scarecrows.

Oh yeah, I have the sound files still. I listen to them and cry. Okay, not really, but I do listen to them sometimes lol... now THAT'S sad.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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I don't know who Raff is, but he/she sounds like they needed a beatdown!

At the end of the day, at least you can say, you were in charge of something that gave so many people so many memories. So many that people are still talking about it years and years later!

Yeah, there are various files to create a Mir 2 server still out there. There are a few still running as well, some with pretty decent numbers for such an old game. I mean, they have nothing on the greatness of RZ, but what can you do ;)

Oh yeah, I have the sound files still. I listen to them and cry. Okay, not really, but I do listen to them sometimes lol... now THAT'S sad.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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Ah! Well that figures lol

I loved PvP back in the day. Sabuk Wall wars were so fun!
I sucked so bad. I really don't understand how I sucked that bad, but I did.

Renaming my staff to wooden dildo was a highlight. I actually don't remember its real name.
Aug 28, 2003
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I sucked so bad. I really don't understand how I sucked that bad, but I did.

Renaming my staff to wooden dildo was a highlight. I actually don't remember its real name.

Safety in numbers I say!

I just hid behind all the big, strong men! Oh and NeoSparky - she always had the coolest pets.

Oh and, that sounds fantastic for a weapon name, but also horrible in actual use.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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Safety in numbers I say!

I just hid behind all the big, strong men! Oh and NeoSparky - she always had the coolest pets.

Oh and, that sounds fantastic for a weapon name, but also horrible in actual use.
That's probably where I went wrong. I would teleport to sabuk, try and find people die, and try again.
I just gave up in the end. Weak little wizard that I was.