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Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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These are .idb's of Unpacked MapleStory Clients with Main stuff Named for ease to get opcodes, packet structures + more.

The Hex-Rays IDA I used is this ( ). To avoid any problems when you open it, use this one.

6.8 is available and recommended **

Open idag.exe then open the .idb file and it should begin to unpack the data for you. (If you don't have idag.exe, download the ida from above, it's better to use in this case.)
What it looks like
AWC2pe4 - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

This one contains an extreme amount of names for v40b. Not ALL the opcodes are named, but login is all named, cwvs is and for CField... er all OnPacket's are named but I was lazy to go in and fully name all of it plus I doubt many of you will find use for this.

I will not show a picture since there's a lot.


Since an unpacked client was released, I made my own .idb and named some stuff. It's literally 99.99% same as v40b so lol.


3ZDg5QB - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums
Since an unpacked client was released, I made my own .idb and named some stuff. It's literally 99.99% same as v40b and v3 so lol.


vrohaXJ - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums
This contains many names for v28.



I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

mFGyrzB - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

C9jMJGt - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

tPXEr0v - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

4obgcka - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

qtaZyUK - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

IAPiZT2 - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

gAr1BUM - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

Cm9SMH0 - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

OaafeRe - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

JIjrGcG - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

sres75v - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

h3XV2u7 - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

mzTWwre - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

BGgWiQS - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

bckMb2d - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

2xoVxlK - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had free time and it's a collection right? Might as well... add them even if nobody will use them so that's why only basic is named.

WypA3I6 - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums
Just small basics named.

xyYOZCI - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Just small basics named.

5JoNQ3c - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Just small basics named.

OIW9zNO - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Just small basics named.

JvSAQFy - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Just small basics named.

8gRXlv5 - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Just small basics named.

UCrEKvc - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Just small basics named.

gdrPFWW - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Just small basics named.

tRPAdZ9 - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Just small basics named.

ipPPYYq - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums
Someone wanted it o-o


Anyway, here's what I named

rdbi0BE - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums
This one actually took like 6 mins longer than v146 for finding stuff. IDK, why but I noticed they sometimes are "messed"up inside and sometimes not.


Anyway, here's what I named

sTGPztG - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

ngnam87 requesting and giving me the unpacked client
I don't care for maplestory development, I won't be naming a whole lot like this anymore lol (aside from the already done v40b one that I'll rls whenever ppl want)

  • Here it is...

The picture is long haha.

sunnyboy - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums
Uh, so this v147.1. Hmm.. it was a little different to find 'em since they broke a lot of stuff to the point where you could access stuff, but you had to undefine stuff which then would break other stuff lmao Stick to the v146.1 .idb, no sendops changed as far as I know, but some recv did

  • Here it is...

AOZamQj - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums
StringPool::GetInstance and GetString will always be named, but I won't show it in the pictures anymore. CField, CWvs, Login, CStage OnPackets are named. The decoders also and I didn't bother naming OnSetField, CS, and etc since it's obviously in the same order as always in CStage::OnPacket.

p1Nd06 - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Some names to start you off on v149, Possibly more not in the photo also... I have a few comments in a place to aid with a big packet, lets you know where you are in away.

W9fDRXW - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Lol. Would of had it out sooner, but I forgot about it analyzing in IDA. As always, I only name few basic stuff that people need to begin to update since gms updates a lot and I'd rather not spend time on naming an idb when later it will update and have to redo it all...

rvgowlz - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums


too lazy to explain, you should know what to expect in this one




not like it matters

I made it last night, but never bothered to upload it straight away. Unpacked thanks to Extalia and instead of wasting a few minutes to find the basics, I used diamondo's IDC script which also named some extra.

some information about the idb;

CLogin::OnPacket - Rebuilt + fixed so you can enter
CField::OnPacket - fixed so you can enter
CWvsContext::OnPacket - Wasn't named by idc so I named it + rebuilt so you can enter
CCashShop::OnPacket - Wasn't named by idc so I named it + rebuilt so you can enter
CFarm::OnPacket - Wasn't named by idc so I named it + rebuilt so you can enter (not a legit GMS name, but w/e)




It was requested by Masuzu to name stuff.
Masuzu used diamondo25's IDC script so it had some stuff name, I just named CLogin::OnPacket, CWvsContext::OnPacket, the decoders, StringPool stuff and CStage::OnPacket. (CField::OnPacket was available from the IDC Sctipt)


I wanted to make a v15(b?) msea source for the public based on my v28 GMS, but realized I think the client is Ducking messed up so for now I'm going to stop development on it loool. I made the .idb for it last night which took me literally 15 mins to name what I named so I'll release it since no need to keep it to myself


AvatarLook::AvatarLook_2                                                00472340  
CAffectedAreaPool::OnAffectedAreaCreated                                0041B4A2  
CAffectedAreaPool::OnAffectedAreaRemoved                                0041BA71  
CAffectedAreaPool::OnPacket                                             0041B47D  
CClientSocket::ManipulatePacket                                         00448D99  
CClientSocket::ProcessPacket                                            00448E86  
CDropPool::OnDropEnterField(CInPacket &)                                0047B99A  
CDropPool::OnDropLeaveField(CInPacket &)                                0047C50D  
CDropPool::OnPacket                                                     0047B975  
CField::OnAdminResult                                                   0048CAEC  
CField::OnBlowWeather                                                   0048C7FB  
CField::OnDesc                                                          0048D70C  
CField::OnFieldEffect                                                   0048C0CB  
CField::OnFieldSpecificData                                             0048B4BC  
CField::OnGroupMessage                                                  0048B5F1  
CField::OnPacket                                                        0048B07A  
CField::OnPlayJukeBox                                                   0048CA1A  
CField::OnQuiz                                                          0048D036  
CField::OnSummonItemInavailable                                         0048C092  
CField::OnTownPortalChanged                                             0048DA4A  
CField::OnTransferChannelReqIgnored                                     0048B448  
CField::OnTransferFieldReqIgnored                                       0048B35A  
CField::OnWarnMessage                                                   0048D934  
CField::OnWhisper                                                       0048B7BB  
CField_Coconut::DrawBoard                                               0049216D  
CField_Coconut::OnCoconutHit                                            00491FA8  
CField_Coconut::OnCoconutScore                                          00491F76  
CField_Coconut::OnPacket                                                00491EA1  
CField_ContiMove::OnContiMove                                           00494EEF  
CField_ContiMove::OnContiState                                          00494F54  
CField_ContiMove::OnPacket                                              00494EBB  
CField_Tournament::OnPacket                                             00498AC3  
CField_Tournament::OnTournament                                         00498B29  
CField_Tournament::OnTournamentMatchTable                               00498C8E  
CField_Tournament::OnTournamentSetPrize                                 00498D19  
CField_Tournament::OnTournamentUEW                                      00498F00  
CIOBufferManipulator::DecodeStr(ZXString<char> &,uchar const *,uint)    0043B72F  
CInPacket::AppendBuffer                                                 00504922  
CInPacket::Decode1                                                      0041B8D7  
CInPacket::Decode2                                                      0041B90D  
CInPacket::Decode4                                                      0041B946  
CInPacket::DecodeBuffer(void *,uint)                                    0041B97E  
CInPacket::DecodeStr(void)                                              0043B6C0  
CInputSystem::GetISMessage                                              0049B64E  
CInputSystem::UpdateDevice                                              0049B631  
CLogin::OnCheckDuplicatedIDResult                                       004A956C  
CLogin::OnCheckPasswordResult                                           004A8AE9  
CLogin::OnCheckUserLimitResult                                          004A91BA  
CLogin::OnCreateNewCharacterResult(CInPacket &)                         004A97D2  
CLogin::OnDeleteCharacterResult(CInPacket &)                            004A9647  
CLogin::OnPacket                                                        004A8A24  
CLogin::OnSelectCharacterResult                                         004A991B  
CLogin::OnSelectWorldResult                                             004A9342  
CLogin::OnWorldInformation                                              004A91E0  
CLoginUtilDlg::Error(long,ZRef<CDialog> *)                              004B14E0  
CMessageBoxPool::OnCreateFailed                                         004D7186  
CMessageBoxPool::OnMessageBoxEnterField                                 004D71AE  
CMessageBoxPool::OnMessageBoxLeaveField                                 004D775F  
CMessageBoxPool::OnPacket                                               004D7153  
CMiniRoomBaseDlg::OnAvatar                                              004D9EFD  
CMiniRoomBaseDlg::OnEnterBase                                           004D9DBC  
CMiniRoomBaseDlg::OnEnterResultStatic                                   004D9615  
CMiniRoomBaseDlg::OnInviteResultStatic                                  004D9B81  
CMiniRoomBaseDlg::OnInviteStatic                                        004D99CA  
CMiniRoomBaseDlg::OnLeaveBase                                           004D9E55  
CMiniRoomBaseDlg::OnPacketBase                                          004D9579  
CMob::IsActive                                                          004DD326  
CMob::OnAffected                                                        004E352B  
CMob::OnCtrlAck(CInPacket &)                                            004E3277  
CMob::OnDamaged(CInPacket &)                                            004E3575  
CMob::OnMove                                                            004E2EB6  
CMob::OnSpecialEffectBySkill                                            004E3793  
CMob::OnSuspendReset                                                    004E33B6  
CMob::ShowDamage(long,long,int,int,int)                                 004E0F74  
CMobPool::GetMob                                                        00423A6F  
CMobPool::OnMobChangeController                                         004EAB87  
CMobPool::OnMobEnterField(CInPacket &)                                  004EA9B5  
CMobPool::OnMobLeaveField                                               004EAA93  
CMobPool::OnMobPacket(long,CInPacket &)                                 004EA91E  
CMobPool::OnPacket                                                      004EA8D3  
CMobPool::SetRemoteMob                                                  004E9FBB  
CMovePath::Decode                                                       004F1094  
CNpc::OnSetSpecialAction(CInPacket &)                                   004F6080  
CNpcPool::GetNpc                                                        004F92D6  
CNpcPool::OnNpcChangeController(CInPacket &)                            004F941B  
CNpcPool::OnNpcEnterField                                               004F932B  
CNpcPool::OnNpcLeaveField                                               004F93BD  
CNpcPool::OnNpcPacket(long,CInPacket &)                                 004F92A5  
CNpcPool::OnPacket                                                      004F9255  
CRand32::Random                                                         0040F2DF  
CReactorPool::OnPacket                                                  0051C364  
CReactorPool::OnReactorChangeState(CInPacket &)                         0051C398  
CReactorPool::OnReactorEnterField(CInPacket &)                          0051C488  
CReactorPool::OnReactorLeaveField(CInPacket &)                          0051C85F  
CScriptMan::OnPacket(long,CInPacket &)                                  00521E52  
CScriptMan::OnScriptMessage(CInPacket &)                                00521E68  
CShip::AppearShip                                                       004946CF  
CShip::EnterShipMove                                                    004943FB  
CShip::LeaveShipMove                                                    00494565  
CShopDlg::OnPacket                                                      00527E57  
CStage::OnPacket                                                        00532BD8  
CStage::OnSetCashShop                                                   00532F32  
CStage::OnSetField                                                      00532C01  
CTownPortalPool::OnPacket                                               0054685A  
CTownPortalPool::OnTownPortalCreated                                    0054687F  
CTownPortalPool::OnTownPortalRemoved                                    0054720D  
CTrunkDlg::OnPacket                                                     0054ECAF  
CUIFadeYesNo::CUIFadeYesNo                                              00481832  
CUIFadeYesNo::CreateQuestClear                                          004834D8  
CUIMessenger::OnAvatar                                                  00570145  
CUIMessenger::OnBlocked                                                 0056FCA2  
CUIMessenger::OnChat                                                    0056FEC0  
CUIMessenger::OnEnter                                                   0056DB87  
CUIMessenger::OnEnter_0                                                 0056DB0B  
CUIMessenger::OnInvite                                                  0056FD8F  
CUIMessenger::OnInviteResult                                            0056FBB2  
CUIMessenger::OnLeave_0                                                 0056DDFC  
CUIMessenger::OnMigrated                                                00570194  
CUIMessenger::OnPacket                                                  0056FB1B  
CUIMessenger::OnSelfEnterResult                                         0056DD13  
CUIWorldSelect::UserLimitResult                                         004B96DF  
CUser::OnChat                                                           005BF67F  
CUser::OnEffect                                                         005BF870  
CUser::OnEmotion                                                        0042A17A  
CUser::OnMiniRoomBalloon                                                005BFCFD  
CUser::SetCarryItemEffect                                               005C09D2  
CUser::SetConsumeItemEffect                                             005C147E  
CUserLocal::OnMesoGive_Failed                                           005CD4F6  
CUserLocal::OnMesoGive_Succeeded                                        005CD46D  
CUserLocal::OnPacket                                                    005C8D0B  
CUserPool::GetRemoteUser(ulong)                                         005D524B  
CUserPool::GetUser                                                      005D522F  
CUserPool::OnPacket                                                     005D540F  
CUserPool::OnUserCommonPacket                                           005D56AE  
CUserPool::OnUserEnterField                                             005D5474  
CUserPool::OnUserLeaveField                                             005D5619  
CUserPool::OnUserLocalPacket                                            005D5848  
CUserPool::OnUserRemotePacket                                           005D5727  
CUserRemote::CUserRemote                                                005D94E2  
CUserRemote::Init                                                       005D95F4  
CUserRemote::OnAttack                                                   005D9EF8  
CUserRemote::OnAvatarModified                                           005DBE20  
CUserRemote::OnGuildNameChanged                                         005DBF82  
CUserRemote::OnMove                                                     004F1E05  
CUserRemote::OnReceiveHP                                                005DBF2F  
CUserRemote::OnResetTemporaryStat                                       005DBF03  
CUserRemote::OnSetActiveEffectItem                                      005C1D50  
CUserRemote::OnSetTemporaryStat                                         005DBED2  
CUserRemote::OnSkillPrepare                                             005DA2E5  
CUtilDlg::Notice(ZXString<char>,ushort const *,ZRef<CDialog> *,int,int) 005E4E24  
CUtilDlgEx::CUtilDlgEx                                                  005ED284  
CUtilDlgEx::SetUtilDlgEx_0                                              005F3327  
CUtilDlgEx::SetUtilDlgEx_TEXT                                           005F3459  
CWvsApp::ISMsgProc                                                      0061317B  
CWvsApp::Run                                                            00611B47  
CWvsContext::GetCharacterData                                           0043418E  
CWvsContext::IsPartyMemberID                                            0062C8E0  
CWvsContext::OnAntiMacroResult                                          00625F8C  
CWvsContext::OnBroadcastMsg                                             00623ED5  
CWvsContext::OnChangeSkillRecordResult(CInPacket &)                     00622695  
CWvsContext::OnCharacterInfo                                            006244A3  
CWvsContext::OnForcedStatReset(CInPacket &)                             00622F4D  
CWvsContext::OnForcedStatSet(CInPacket &)                               00622EBA  
CWvsContext::OnFriendResult                                             0062C202  
CWvsContext::OnGivePopularityResult(CInPacket &)                        00623B4C  
CWvsContext::OnGuildResult                                              0062927A  
CWvsContext::OnInventoryGrow(CInPacket &)                               006229D0  
CWvsContext::OnInventoryOperation(CInPacket &)                          006227C8  
CWvsContext::OnMapTransferResult(CInPacket &)                           006250C9  
CWvsContext::OnMemoResult                                               00624F88  
CWvsContext::OnMessage                                                  0062303F  
CWvsContext::OnPacket                                                   00619EC5  
CWvsContext::OnPartyResult                                              0062B66F  
CWvsContext::OnQuestClear                                               006261EE  
CWvsContext::OnSkillUseResult(CInPacket &)                              0062301C  
CWvsContext::OnStatChanged(CInPacket &)                                 00622B0E  
CWvsContext::OnSueCharacterResult                                       0062667A  
CWvsContext::OnTownPortal                                               00623E04  
CWvsContext::SetNewFadeWnd                                              00624E07  
CharacterData::Decode(CInPacket &,int)                                  004716C4 
StringPool::GetString                                                   0053DDA7  
StringPool::GetStringW(uint)                                            0053DE0B   
ZAllocEx<ZAllocAnonSelector>::Alloc(uint)                               0040271B  
ZList<ZRef<CMob>>::RemoveAt(__POSITION *)                               005D6208  
ZList_CField_Coconut::HITINFO_::AddTail                                 00492693  
ZMap<ulong,__POSITION *,ulong>::RemoveKey(ulong const &)                00626B5D  
ZRef<CStage>::ZRef<CStage>(ZRef<CStage> const &)                        00449B3D  
ZRef<CharacterData>::_AddRef(void)                                      00438FE7  
ZRef<CharacterData>::_Alloc(void)                                       0053398C  
ZRef<CharacterData>::_ReleaseRaw(void *)                                00439473  
ZRef<DROP>::_Release(void)                                              00439004  
ZRef<GW_ItemSlotBase>::_ReleaseRaw(ZRefCounted *)                       00575DFD  
ZRef<GW_ItemSlotBase>::operator=(ZRef<GW_ItemSlotBase> const &)         005D5E7C  
ZRef_CUtilDlgEx_::_ReleaseRaw                                           00476AAC  
ZXString<char>::operator=(ZXString<char> const &)                       004137B4  
ZXString<char>::~ZXString<char>(void)                                   00410AA4  
ZXString<char>::~ZXString<char>(void)                                   004BD205  
ZXString<char>::~ZXString<char>(void)                                   004AC087  
ZXString<ushort>::~ZXString<ushort>(void)                               00571034  
ZXString<ushort>::~ZXString<ushort>(void)                               004DA79E  
ZXString<ushort>::~ZXString<ushort>(void)                               004023D8  
ZXString_char_::ZXString_char__0                                        0043826D  
play_game_sound                                                         005DFEA2  
pvarg                                                                   006C0408  
rand                                                                    0066D158  
set_stage(CStage *,void *)
This was made in like 30 mins, the addresses are right so no worries if you're unsure about any.

For any aspiring MSEA developers, this is for you.

  • Here's an Unpacked v136.1 Client if you want:
  • The main download, the .idb:

These are the address's I named. I can name a whole lot more, but so can you, if you want with the v95 .idb leak. The names are names, finding it is the real thing.

This is what I named, it's pretty much the main stuff with little stuff you won't care for.

t17RGaK - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Little info for newer people
  • CStage::OnPacket contains what you'd probably know as Warp To Map (OnSetField), MTS (OnSetITC), CashShop (OnSetCashShop) and I named the farm one lol (OnFarm)
  • Clogin::OnPacket is for login opcodes, CWvsContext::OnPacket is from end of login to end of CStage::OnPacket and CField::OnPacket are all the rest, oh Plus CFarm::OnPacket are just the farm packets (high values :3)
  • CInPacket::Decode1 is your typical mplew.write();, CInPacket::Decode2 is mplew.writeShort();, CInPacket::Decode4 is mplew.writeInt();, CInPacket::DecodeBuffer is anything larger (longs included) and CInPacket::DecodeStr for strings
  • Good luck and have fun MSEA devs (if any exist)

Any questions? Feel free to ask, I'll try to reply o: I'm still learning!

sonnyeb for giving me the official MSEA client and finding me the MSEA header for Quick Move (I use this to name some stuff since it has a lot of good sh*t)
An old post of AuroX for the hint of clicking P :3
Someone wanted so here.


8Jw2tFX - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

I had this made 3 days before it's official release date since they released it on facebook. Made it for my friend whom wanted me to hold onto it and wait for msea to update before releasing which I did and noticed msea double updated! (lmao race with gms version much?) So then I did 139 also no changes rlly

I won't show a pic because I'm lazy


lol im v139

I won't show a pic because I'm lazy


I just noticed I forgot to upload the v140.1 msea lmao oh well here's v141


This one contains CField, CWvs, CLogin, CCashShop and the Decoders (1,2,4,8, Buffer and Str)

Note about this one: CField::OnPacket was undefined just like how CLogin::OnPacket is now among all the versions. I hope this doesn't continue since it means an extra minute or two to define and fix the errors that popup when trying to enter,


Uh, it was laying in this thread the memory dump (hate mem dumps D: < ). Idk if it was a request but I did basic ones for fun xD.


  • Here it is

L2LCT5F - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Credits: Hilia for mem dump
All credits for this one goes to this thread click me 4 thread

My upload of this idb contains correct CField::OnPacket named place and I found CLogin::OnPacket


  • Here it is
I really just found this unpacked one somewhere on the forum. I'd do latest, but can't unpack =( + STREDIT EMS can't read it anyway.


I didn't name all the Decode stuff cuz tbh who is ever gonna do EMS v93.2...

sunnyboy - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Some guy who unpacked it (forgot where)

There is no actual reason why, I was bored and I wanted to try it...Locale is 3 btw
If anyone wants to try JMS development o: Would be cool.
I only named some since the string were in failure japanese in STREDIT

  • The main download, the .idb:

These are the address's I named. I can name a whole lot more, but so can you, if you want with the v95 .idb leak. The names are names, finding it is the real thing.

Since the strings were in fail japanese I had to take a few more mins to find the address for these, but nonetheless it's still good!

0cUuXor - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Little info for newer people
  • Clogin::OnPacket is for login opcodes, CWvsContext::OnPacket is from end of login to end of "warp2map or cs or mts prob mts" and CField::OnPacket are all the rest
  • CInPacket::Decode1 is your typical mplew.write();, CInPacket::Decode2 is mplew.writeShort();, CInPacket::Decode4 is mplew.writeInt();, CInPacket::DecodeBuffer is anything larger (longs included) and CInPacket::DecodeStr for strings
  • Good luck and I wish you the best future JMS Devs (if any haha)

Any questions? Feel free to ask, I'll try to reply o;

Someone on ccplz for storing all the clients on a site to download
SandBoxie to let me run 2 STREDITS
  • The main download, the .idb:

These are the address's I named.

fL4tzZ - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Requested by icelemon1314 for some reason. I did not name all of it, but I named 7 things to help you get going. I never wanna do CMS so I will never do more than just the main OnPackets that you'll need aside from Farm one(if CMS even has it) and CashShop :D

  • The Download : - soon

jjcLqZU - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums

Diamondo25 for the unpacked client or mem dump
Credits (that will never change / seperate ones for certain .idbs will be in their spoilers):
Diamondo25 for STREDIT



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Experienced Elementalist
Feb 10, 2008
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Re: [MSEA] v136.1 IDB With Names

good job and nice release!!!!!
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 21, 2013
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i don't know how to name the function then goto next step, please teach me !
[COLOR=#333333]The next thing I'd do is name that method I've found. In most cases I copy the name from KMST - there are 2 methods of doing that: Either, you copy only the visible part (CMobPool::OnPacket), or you mark that name and press N. It will then show you ?OnPacket@CMobPool@@QAEXJAAVCInPacket@@@Z. This string contains advanced information about the method like parameters and if you use this name, you'll also see the parameters in the function list on the left later on. A disadvantage is that it looks quite ugly in the assembly view.[/COLOR]
Apr 10, 2008
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i don't know how to name the function then goto next step, please teach me !
[COLOR=#333333]The next thing I'd do is name that method I've found. In most cases I copy the name from KMST - there are 2 methods of doing that: Either, you copy only the visible part (CMobPool::OnPacket), or you mark that name and press N. It will then show you ?OnPacket@CMobPool@@QAEXJAAVCInPacket@@@Z. This string contains advanced information about the method like parameters and if you use this name, you'll also see the parameters in the function list on the left later on. A disadvantage is that it looks quite ugly in the assembly view.[/COLOR]

Simply right click it -> Edit function like so:

sunnyboy - Library of IDB's for different versions with named addresses - RaGEZONE Forums
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 21, 2013
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try to find header 294(warp_to_map) and stuck here!
no function return @@
if ( a3 < 179 || a3 > 212 )
        if ( a3 < 213 || a3 > 232 )
          if ( a3 >= 233 )
            if ( a3 <= 274 )
              result = CUserPool::OnUserLocalPacket(a3, Format);
          result = CUserPool::OnUserRemotePacket(a3, (int)Format);
it return result itself and switch back to CField:OnPacket
so i wonder where to find out structure @@
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Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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try to find header 294(warp_to_map) and stuck here!
no function return @@
if ( a3 < 179 || a3 > 212 )
        if ( a3 < 213 || a3 > 232 )
          if ( a3 >= 233 )
            if ( a3 <= 274 )
              result = CUserPool::OnUserLocalPacket(a3, Format);
          result = CUserPool::OnUserRemotePacket(a3, (int)Format);
it return result itself and switch back to CField:OnPacket
so i wonder where to find out structure @@

Warptomap would be accessible in CLogin::OnPacket

It will have CStage::OnPacket in it which leads to what you want
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 21, 2013
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Warptomap would be accessible in CLogin::OnPacket

It will have CStage::OnPacket in it which leads to what you want
hm...but how can i know it ! How can i know what function that the header invoke

Warptomap would be accessible in CLogin::OnPacket

It will have CStage::OnPacket in it which leads to what you want
hm...but how can i know it ! How can i know what function that the header invoke
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Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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By the way, if anyone has any request for one because they want to do a certain version, feel free to post here or pm me. If it's GMS over version 120, just client I'll need, but if it's lower er, i'll need unpacked or a memory dump. That you get :D
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 21, 2013
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By the way, if anyone has any request for one because they want to do a certain version, feel free to post here or pm me. If it's GMS over version 120, just client I'll need, but if it's lower er, i'll need unpacked or a memory dump. That you get :D
cannot PM you because full inbox
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 21, 2013
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my request is for v144.3, here the unpacked by Extalia unpacker:
but i think you should finish v146 first :ehh:
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Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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my request is for v144.3, here the unpacked by Extalia unpacker:
but i think you should finish v146 first :ehh:

I have v146 like er.. at a point which is fine for decent devs to use, has names in clogin and cwvs but idk if I did cfield yet. I'm currently doing a v40b, with names, Clogin, Cwvs are all named opcodes and CField is like 4-5 away from being all named (opcode wise).

Do you just want CLogin, CWvs, CFarm and CField for 144.3? If you want decode's, tell me the v144.3 QUICK MOVE opcode or I can guess it
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 21, 2013
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I have v146 like er.. at a point which is fine for decent devs to use, has names in clogin and cwvs but idk if I did cfield yet. I'm currently doing a v40b, with names, Clogin, Cwvs are all named opcodes and CField is like 4-5 away from being all named (opcode wise).

Do you just want CLogin, CWvs, CFarm and CField for 144.3? If you want decode's, tell me the v144.3 QUICK MOVE opcode or I can guess it
rec 0x251 send 0x15A
of course i want to learn so much, get as much as i can
happy if you do it for me, i just still like to handle myself. So i can work and do not bother you so much!
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Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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rec 0x251 send 0x15A
of course i want to learn so much, get as much as i can
happy if you do it for me, i just still like to handle myself. So i can work and do not bother you so much!

I don't really have time to spend hours and hours on v144.3 since it's sorta outdated (lol ik 2 versions only). I'll get the main packet locations for you. If you have v144.3 opcodes, you should be able to then after to go in and find the opcode and boom, you can name that sub since you know what it is. Naming the sub's for opcodes is er, you don't need to name it GMS names since any name you will understand is good. I used to name them the header name itself when I worked on an .idb for myself long ago.

I'll have it ready tomorrow since 2:22 AM and I'm just gonna let IDA analyse it overnight !
Legendary Battlemage
Mar 21, 2013
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I don't really have time to spend hours and hours on v144.3 since it's sorta outdated (lol ik 2 versions only). I'll get the main packet locations for you. If you have v144.3 opcodes, you should be able to then after to go in and find the opcode and boom, you can name that sub since you know what it is. Naming the sub's for opcodes is er, you don't need to name it GMS names since any name you will understand is good. I used to name them the header name itself when I worked on an .idb for myself long ago.

I'll have it ready tomorrow since 2:22 AM and I'm just gonna let IDA analyse it overnight !
i just try to find structure for warp_to_map for example only, but cannot find the main function that handle warp_to_map header in CStage::OnPacket or CLogin::OnPacket (no CStage::OnPacket named) use localhost90.idb(release somewhere on Rz)
i stuck, because no return function with header
warp_to_map 294 (0x126)

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Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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i just try to find structure for warp_to_map for example only, but cannot find the main function that handle warp_to_map header in CStage::OnPacket or CLogin::OnPacket (no CStage::OnPacket named) use localhost90.idb(release somewhere on Rz)
i stuck, because no return function with header
warp_to_map 294 (0x126)

They are all diff really. Like.. v144.3 CLogin::OnPacket. If you're there it's has a little stuff not in CLogin::OnPacket in v146.1

Anyway, you can see warptomap for v144.3 tomorrow when I update main post
Feb 4, 2011
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Great work, sunnyboy. But I got a quick question. How are you unpacking the v146 client? Did you use Extalia's Unpacker? I am not sure if it is just me, but it wouldn't unpack when I used it. It worked fine on v145 though.

EDIT: My bad. I figured out what you did. :)