life rocks

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2003
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life rocks wen u uneployed u ^_^ .
Wat thing makes u wana live?
For me are:
Girls, Pie, PIZZA, :hail: Budweiser :hail:

P.S. Im enjoing my life but runing out of money any ideas for making money lol ^_^ .
cookieboi said:
life rocks wen u uneployed u ^_^ .
Wat thing makes u wana live?
For me are:
Girls, Pie, PIZZA, :hail: Budweiser :hail:

P.S. Im enjoing my life but runing out of money any ideas for making money lol ^_^ .

being unemployed sucks

i'm gonna try and a job down dixons in cardiff
^_^ u peaple actualy like geting orders from some fat butt Special person who has no idea wat hes doin? last few job i bin in was tataly fag.

Workign for Game woudnt be dat bad
cookieboi said:
^_^ u peaple actualy like geting orders from some fat butt Special person who has no idea wat hes doin?

Some people do enjoy their work...

At least the fat butt Special person is working for a living rather than scrounging off the state.
i used to be unemployed used to fix ppls pc and get food for what ever i earn that way -

was great but business got slow
so i work good now


im not insane just manic -
you know once i was thinking what are we living for (the meaning of life)

cuz what happens is you work most of your life then u drink other half so you dont feel bad that you work too much and aint got nothing, then you find yerserf a bird have a couple of nippers and that its youre 76 you cant do poop say poop or anything youre useles pointless waste of oxygen and good whyskey

i mean u cant take anything with you when you die and whos proven that heaven/ hell or anyhting like that exists we have nothing to look foreward to

then you can say we only live once spend all your money use drugs in crazy ammounts ..

and that makes your life better how ?

i dont really know what im trying to say but - more or less life is umplanned who ever created us to live he/she forgot to give us a little roadmap to point us what we have to achieve

THIS SUX - if you wanna kill yourself about now dont - u wont find out the true meaning of life

p.s. cooki what u doin daytime
If u don't like routine(welcome to the club)work on the net. They give u deadline and u work whenever u wont during the day. U don't have to go to the office in the small "cube". U do wotever u wont while working(loud muzik and drinking) and u can do sumtin u like(i like webdesign but i'll start doin that seryously after highschool)
And about the meaning of life most ppl who fall in love(and i mean true love-soulmates) say theyr life is complete. So find love, work wot u like(and get payd big for it) and life will prety Ducking sweet.
ok talking about love - true love and soulmate crap -

it wont work for very annoyinh reasons
people usually state
"i have you and i dont need anyhting else all that matters is that we have each other"


take into account that people fall in love when they dont have any responsibilities or pririorities, so they dont think that living together costs or that other people may intrude
and many other elements that can indirectly affect the love between 2 individuals,

hell you have to work your hairy butt off to make love work -
if you fancy some 1 fair enough but love well thats a whole new ball game with wierd rules and loopholes - no1 has written a manual how "Love" works so its all different for everyone

nuff bull - imma go kix some arse