Line fault?

Apr 8, 2003
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Not in this "out" you speak of
I recently checked my Speedtouch 510 router (Latest firmware) and noticed that some of the stats seem to be in the critical levels where the router should barely be able to synch according to resources found on the internet. Here are the stats:

Output Power (dBm) up/down = 12.0 / 15.5
Attenuation (dB) up/down = 31.5 / 55.0
Noise Margin (dB) up/down = 15.0 / 6.5

Should the Noise Margin be above 20dB for a stable, error free connection? I'm fairly sure that 6dB is the absolute minimum before serious errors begin to occur. I also read that 60dB on the Attenuation is the maximum before serious errors occur (Which it has reached before I moved the router to the master socket). My internet connection has been going at roughly 50-60kbps which is extremely slow compared to the normal speeds I usually have. I have already done isolation tests, checked all filters are properly installed and tested the router on the master BT socket. Do you guys think this is a line fault?

EDIT: Also is there any way to check distance from my house to the exchange, NOT as the crow flies. I already know that. I mean the cable length from here to the exchange. Cheers.
No idea what you are saying.

With attenuation it's the strength of the single and with noise margain it should be the area in which the single works with noise around it.

And with those speeds. How far are you from the WAP? The futher you are the lower the attenuation is and the slower the connection is. Also everything around you affects the single also. Noise weither it be audiable or electrical interfers with it. So if any electronics are on it will slow you down like wise if you are listenting to sounds. Also walls block signals and bounce them back to them which cause more interference. Hence why it's much slower then what it says ti should.

Also make sure it's Wireless G complient. Wireless B is much slower and you might be opperating in that.

Also don't worry about it if it is working. Don't try to fix something that is working or else you might just end up making it not work at all. ;)

NoPeace - out
No idea what you are saying.

With attenuation it's the strength of the single and with noise margain it should be the area in which the single works with noise around it.

And with those speeds. How far are you from the WAP? The futher you are the lower the attenuation is and the slower the connection is. Also everything around you affects the single also. Noise weither it be audiable or electrical interfers with it. So if any electronics are on it will slow you down like wise if you are listenting to sounds. Also walls block signals and bounce them back to them which cause more interference. Hence why it's much slower then what it says ti should.

Also make sure it's Wireless G complient. Wireless B is much slower and you might be opperating in that.

Also don't worry about it if it is working. Don't try to fix something that is working or else you might just end up making it not work at all. ;)

NoPeace - out

Router, not wireless router. Everything is wired and I'm talking about the actual phone line. I'm roughly 3-4km away from the exchange so I should be getting 4mb speeds and when the attenuation gets to 60dB or the signal noise to 6dB I think thats when the router should barely be able to synch.