okay so, this is for those of us who have Linux and want to run a server based on the latest SVN. Mind you I have subversion installed (I love having it installed, makes life easier) but if you don't have subversion and want to get it installed, I'll give you a handy link, the install itself is rather painless and easy to do, just follow the directions:
Subversion home page
Anyway, now we want to get the current SVN, so we'll go to where ever we want to put eAthena, I have mine in /eathena/stable/ sadly there is no way that I have found so far to remove the /stable/ directory using subversion, sorry to all those out there who dislike it, you can just move the files once the download is complete.
so we need to make our directory, likely in the home directory of the current user note we're only making the eathena directory, subversion will add the stable for us:
[spectre@mojavi ~]# mkdir eathena
[spectre@mojavi ~]# cd eathena
Now we want to "check out" the latest SVN, to do that we use the subversion check out command
[spectre@mojavi eathena]# svn co
This should start to create a copy of every file in the current stable branch of the svn inside your eathena directory, in the subdirectory stable
[spectre@mojavi eathena]# svn co
A stable/mapserv-sql.bat
A stable/charserv-sql.bat
A stable/npc
A stable/npc/scripts_main.conf
(list shortened to cut post size)
When Subversion is done copying the files it will give you a message such as:
Checked out revision 3983.
now we change directories to the stable directory
[spectre@mojavi eathena]# cd stable
and its time to make eathena, now depending on if you want sql or txt, you will have to enter seperate make commands.
for TXT:
[spectre@mojavi stable]# make
for SQL:
[spectre@mojavi stable]# make sql
Now you go and configure all your IPs inside the following conf files:
TXT and SQL:
SQL Only:
There are a number of gides out there for setting IPs and it is the same thing in all of them really some for routers and firewalls and some for not, just choose what works best for you.
Now to setup the grf-files.txt
if your like me and you keep your grf files in a sub directory of the root, the easiest way to do this is:
[spectre@mojavi stable]# cd /
[spectre@mojavi /]# mkdir grf-files
[spectre@mojavi /]# cd grf-files
[spectre@mojavi grf-files]# mkdir data
You don't have to put a data folder but if you ever plan to use one for any reason, it makes life easier to do it now.
Now we just setup up grf-files.txt like so, and we're all done once the grfs are inside the directories you specify:
// GRF List
grf: /grf-files/data.grf
grf: /grf-files/sdata.grf
// You may add more in this format
// grf: <data file path>
//------ Others ---------------------------
// Data Directory
data_dir: /grf-files/
note that /data/ was left off the data_dir: option, this is because eathena already knows to look for a subdirectory of data and always will look for a subdirectory of data.
Thats all you have to do, enjoy
-- The Spectre