List of lineage2 items..(yes iv looked) L2J 

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Experienced Elementalist
Jul 4, 2004
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Ok, i looked cant find any O_o...

I had it bookmarked but in some odd crash of my browser, and when i restarted the browser all my bookmarks were gone... O_o...

Anyway if anyone could give me a link to an item database of most of the items in lineage2 it would be vary helpful...
as you level up (in official) you get the grade to let you wear that paricular grade without having any penalty. (If you wear a grade that you aren't "qualified" for you'll get a -speed penalty etc)

E.G. @ Lv 20 you become another Job, Warrior, Knight etc, when you do that you get D Grade. Which obviously allows you to wear D Grade Items without any penalty.
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sp are basically points for u to buy(learn) skills from npc in town... but i am assuming that u cant even talk to those npcs in the servers right now, they are useless
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well, i found out a way to manuly add skills to my char. I also caped my char or set him to lvl 60, wich i think is cap... but anyway, if you play as human and edit your lvl to 60 the skill NPCs work, but they dont *sell* a lot of skills... so i jest manuly add them...
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thats because it thinks your still a lvl60 base class, ie havent taken the class job quests, which you cant atm, id tell you how to change it but i have no idea lol, there sumwhere in the char file...

also i dont think any higher vl class skills are programmed in, but im sure they will put em in when they have finished with other things that are more important, for the moment just add em manualy :), the V0.1 files have a good list of all the spells...
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well, if theres a way to chang class and all that ill find it :p maby when i figur out most of the char files ill post a guid on them or something...
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He played the closed beta, I have had the chance to speak with him... of course everyone was trying to talk to him, but it turns out he doesn't speak any language we knew.
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