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Nov 20, 2003
Reaction score
Best thread i read in ages http://forum.ragezone.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18172


Nice going there Nik. :good:

@Neo, i understand what you mean with trying to get accepted, but you should realise 2 things, 1 lots of guys on RZ are single, second he was bragging and lying, he can't expect that people won't flame him for it, and neither should you.

@Tonto.. what the hell were you trying man... you post a photo of a model, which was clear like everyone already pointed out, and you are 13/14, do you actually think someone would believe it?

I would almost give you tips for trying to pull something like that, if it wasn't that i think it's completely sad, i have been single my whole life so far, and yes it feels crap and all, but hey i'm not going to pretend that i got a gf.

Really get your things sorted, this is not a flame or a insult, but advice, i have had many problems in the last couple of years, lots of them, and most of this time i have been on the internet, simply because people not knowing stuff about me and all, although people that know me some more know quite a bit of it, you have this IMO too, however you got a step further, i never pretended to have a gf, or anything like that, there were many things i havent told a lot of people, however i never added things to my story.

Now what i wonder is what would you do if they wanted to talk on msn with that girl? Would you of been controlling that msn? Do you really want to go that far to get some other guys on the internet to think that you got a gf?

Does it really matter? Like i said most of the people here are single, but no one is bashing them for being single, no one, and if they do then they get their asses kicked in no time, your not less of a "man" when you haven't got a gf, you really aren't, but you are when you pretend to have one.

If you already have the balls to show up here again, and tbh i wouldn't if i pulled something like that, then don't try to mess up by lying.

I really hope you understand this, and change your ways, because at this rate you will be 1 of those guys in like 4 years that is bragging all over the internet about all the girls they "do" and cars they got etc, don't become 1 of those losers, because when you are used to lying so much it will be hard to actually tell someone the truth one time, and no matter how you look, how your life has been so far etc, there is just nothing that people hate more then people that are lying all the time.


PS. MentaL fix my account man >.<
50 bucks, Neo gonna dump this, rather then close it only.
i dont expect anything...
your post may have been constructive but a thread full of
"roflmao you're a looser"
is something i'll lock.
and this, as mentioned, could have been done by pm instead of continueing a locked thread... but if you really feel the need to discuss this then do go on...

just gonna ask everyone nicely to keep this to a discussion and not flames. (nik...)
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Nik-C said:
Continuing a locked thread

Warning mother fucker.
Yeah you are right, you should get a warning for that.
UnseenPower said:
mod lock this plz. pm would have done the job
True, but no need to be wannabe mod, leaving it just for a mod to see would also done the job. ;)

@Neo, maybe so, but the thing is that hopefully some others could give their 2 cents, imo Tonto has a serious problem, much more serious then most would think, it would be good if he would rethink things.
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wait, that was one of the rules i read at the other forum section, about continuing a locked thread. Think its number 18 or something.
Although a part of my post was to comment on the topic in a laughing way, the other part of my post wasn't.

I hope that part will be read by Tonto and that he understands something of it.
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