Login Issue (External)

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 30, 2006
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Basically my friend is trying to connect to my server, and everything is configure (i think), he can get past login screen, but he cant login to channel, keeps timing out, and I have a feeling its not the channel bug, seeing as he tried too many times, it works for me on my local, with same config.. anyone got any ideas?
can someone clear up this issue, because after opening the worldserver and chatnode port, i didnt see any log. which means the outside user never got to connect in the first place. which is really weird since the ports were based from the ini file, and as a matter of fact, the login port works, allowing the user to login, however the issue begins on the channel connection where everything is halted even with ports open.

can anyone shed some light on this matter?

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I have this problem too...
In the screen of select channel, my game loading and loading, show this msg: "Connection Problem, Try Again Later!"
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well, im using centos ip in my config (m not using my global ip on centos so using the wont work for me.) i guess if you are using your global ip for centos + the 127 config it would work.

but to be sure, ill ask : what ips are u using in your inis?
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im using my external IP when it asks for client IP, in the INI's. (im using my centos IP for the rest, should i be using 127? can you link me to the guide, or information your refering too, ty.

You need to use in all config spots except 2, the one near the top of loginsvr_24_01.ini and the one "for the client" at the bottom of chatnode_24.ini.

If you use a router your need to forward ports 38101 and 38121 to the centos machine ip and any firewall will need to have these ports open.

^ this is what i tried, btw, im using CentOS IP instead of, could this be causing the problem? i dont think so.
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But there are more ports :) like 35101 in serverlist.txt in client, and World servers ports as `CcyClOnE` said by default WorldSrv has 38111 so it also should be forwarded, the best way is to put your centos ip under the DMZ (demilitarize zone ) in your router
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