• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Looking for Redmoon Client

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 13, 2019
Reaction score
I have been attempting to setup my own server for testing.
But I don't have redmoon client.
I'm looking for redmoon client.Anything is OK.If anyone could provide me a link or send me an email it would be much appreciated.Please help me.
[email protected]
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Thank you for sharing these things. Love all the info on your forums.
Thank you very much :)
Thank you sir. :)
I installed 4.4 server.
Thanks to you.
I am sorry that I am not good at English.
I Have a question.In 3.9 version, HP and MP restore immediately.(F1 Status bar)
But In 4.4 version, HP and MP restore slowly.How can I fix it?
Please let me know.Thank you very much. :)
I have not messed with 4.4 Server in depth since 2006. But I believe in order to change the Healing System, You would have to edit it by Decoding the Healing function that is located in the Main.dll or Server.exe file.
Thank you sir. :)
Thank you for your answer.
I decided to 3.944 version.
Do you have 3.9 Korean DB? or Korean Client? or Korean message.ctf file or message.ctf editor file?
I have only english version. TT
If you have Please send to me [email protected] :D
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Yeah, there is a editor uploaded on here under message converter. I also may have 1 Korean version Client, but I probably can't get around to searching in depth for it (if i have it) until next week sometime. You may be able to use the 44 Korean version in place of them. I would give that a try first and then make adjustments as needed to the message.ctf.
Thank you sir. :)
I got Korean Client and message.ctf :D
Thank you for your answer. :D
Thanks to you, I'm making my server better.
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