Looking for Working NPC Script for BattleGround Mir2 

can anyone tell me what it is, what happens there and what you get out of it?

lol u know that these server files cant run on linux but u dunno whats the BG is??? :P

basically, the battleground is a big map, each has a section of mobs (one bit will be full of spiders and at the end of that section will be crystal spider, keep following the paths after that and ull go into the zuma area and so on)

also when a mob notices you, instead of running over itll tele over, they still move about its just upon notice they tele, also if u try running away from them they'll tele onto you

as for rewards, well like i said each section has a boss, so besides the fact that there is loads of mobs in each section of the map (woohoo mucho exp!) the boss mobs drop rares aswell

hope this explains it
so basically its a script which will spawn a load of monsters onto a map, you kill them by going along the paths...

what do you get when you get to the end? does anything special happen?
or is it just a fun map?