lost my humour >.<

hmm this happened to my m8 hes become desensitized to just about everything

(sic did u link him to men in hats? very dry humour id give that a try)

btw dude u have your sleep patterns changed at all recently and if so by how much. if not for long have they been like they have.
Exclamatio said:
hmm this happened to my m8 hes become desensitized to just about everything

(sic did u link him to men in hats? very dry humour id give that a try)

btw dude u have your sleep patterns changed at all recently and if so by how much. if not for long have they been like they have.

men in hats tried
i now have to get up at 6am in the mornin for work on sat and sun (started this morn)
but that aint a big change tho ive done that b4
Exclamatio said:
sic did u link him to men in hats? very dry humour id give that a try
after the laughs i got from u sendin me that link last nite, how could I not?:D
i fink it mite b a few things that have pissed me off l8ly >.<