Lovely welcome back

Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hell again all, to those of you who remember me and those of you who dont...

I aint been on in a long time and i come back and there gayness all over the place, dontonberry aint changed much and mental is still welsh...

And now there is alot less arguements, im sure ill sort that out soon enough...

Anyways, HELLO ALL! how u all been?

p.s. Omen still smells i aint changed my mind yet.
DonTonberry said:
What The Wee Fuck That Meant To Mean?

If It The LOMCN Fucking Piece Of Shit Thing, The Bastards Deserved It

Woo calm down lol, i come in peace, i dont even know what happened with lomcn, If it doesnt involve mash potatoes dont tell me...

You aint chaged much = your still chatting up the boys of the forum, and still coming out with your funny jokes and remarks.

By the way any other changes i should take note of?
Lilcooldoode said:
Woo calm down lol, i come in peace, i dont even know what happened with lomcn, If it doesnt involve mash potatoes dont tell me...

You aint chaged much = your still chatting up the boys of the forum, and still coming out with your funny jokes and remarks.

By the way any other changes i should take note of?

I'm A Serial Teabagger
Lilcooldoode said:
I see you know me lomcn name :D, i would have my name Lilcooldoode on lomcn but i forgot password on his account >.<

And who you on lomcn?

faiTh, but I don't post on LOMCN much, as tbh most ppl there are very rude.

I was faiTh/bluemage in rz5, aeris in rz6, faith in rz7 :P My account used to be thisguy here.. to keep it short, you should know me :toung:
Becky said:
faiTh, but I don't post on LOMCN much, as tbh most ppl there are very rude.

I was faiTh/bluemage in rz5, aeris in rz6, faith in rz7 :P My account used to be thisguy here.. to keep it short, you should know me :toung:

The name faiTh rings bells, we never really spoke though did we? o.O

i'm having fun as usual

as usual - Got that right lol, and erm... whats your deffinition of fun? (not in a rude way)

DTB - last time i was on here my last memory was a lovely arguement with you calling eachother stupid names, and you threatening to bash me in with a salmon, etc etc, Are we cool now? or do you still have that salmon shined up for me?
Lilcooldoode said:
The name faiTh rings bells, we never really spoke though did we? o.O

as usual - Got that right lol, and erm... whats your deffinition of fun? (not in a rude way)

DTB - last time i was on here my last memory was a lovely arguement with you calling eachother stupid names, and you threatening to bash me in with a salmon, etc etc, Are we cool now? or do you still have that salmon shined up for me?

I Dont Hold Grudges.... :tp:
Lilcooldoode said:
The name faiTh rings bells, we never really spoke though did we? o.O

ooo shot down lol

No we really didn't talk tho
The only thing I remember about you in mir2 was when the secret passage to slaves cave was found out and everyone got pissed off...
Lilcooldoode said:
Lol im rememberred on rz as a bug exploiter, i like it, btw i thought you had quit the server by the time i found that? o.O

Might be thinking of some1 else.. I started out as BlueMage and got to level 35 (wizard). Stopped playing for a few weeks then came back as faiTh (tao) and got to level 39 and the server was shut down :( I was never told of this slave cave until it all was found out :lol:

I do remember being called a cheater by many unstoppables members tho :rolleyes:
MasterD said:
hi tramp welcome back o.o lol

oooo i remember this conker :)... probalby remember the most...

What appened to you since i been away, you used to be on here all the time, a proper "bum", now you hardly post on here...

Edit:- Becky were u in the great SW war of Outlaws and Unstoppables?
That was probs the most rememberall time of what determined the chaters form the non cheaters. And the non cheaters prevailed :D
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Lilcooldoode said:
oooo i remember this conker :)... probalby remember the most...

What appened to you since i been away, you used to be on here all the time, a proper "bum", now you hardly post on here...

Edit:- Becky were u in the great SW war of Outlaws and Unstoppables?
That was probs the most rememberall time of what determined the chaters form the non cheaters. And the non cheaters prevailed :D

Yep :) I stood outside the wall killing any unstoppables that had to teleport back to the war.. Killed Merlie like 5 times :P Got so bad that Knox, Demoloder(sp) and Britney had to come out and stop me :lol:

Was great fun tbh..

I remember Demo going "Jajajajaajajajaja" all the time >.<